Page 35 of Nightingale

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It explains why Brent had immediately begun blurting out everything he knew when Apollo personally duct-taped him to a chair. I, on the other hand, have been glaring between the two. Brent for everything he revealed he's done— and Apollo for using all my tape when we have alternatives.

"Apollo, if we're done, I'm going to get the others." He gestures for me to go ahead, and I leave him with his wimpy ass captive.

Brent had always been mostly absent from the day-to-day operations which is why I'd been surprised when Apollo pulled him in, and even more so when Robert turned him into a pet—even if it had been temporary.

My thoughts turn to a certain dark-haired female upstairs, and I'm relieved I can legitimately say my hands are clean this time. As much as I would have liked to beat on Brent, it isn't worth it. Lark has made it clear she wouldn't judge either of us, but it still makes things easier.

I expected to find her in her room or Braeden's. I didn't expect to find her in bed with Rex, fast asleep. After not getting an answer at Rex's door, Emmett had come out of his room with Braeden and said he was with Lark. They'd gone on downstairs while I went to get the others. I'd thought a brief knock before opening the door was fine. Now I'm trying to figure out why I thought it was a good idea— and mask the worry I know has to be all over my face as I make eye contact with an immediately alert Rex.

He puts his finger to his lips before he untangles himself from Lark and eases out of bed. His butt naked form isn't what I'm noticing though. There had been a brief flash of skin before the blankets settled back around Lark's slight form, letting on that she’s nude as well.

I back out into the hall after Rex retrieves his clothes from the bathroom and motions me out of the room.

"Are you guys done then?" he asks.

I nod. "The others are already downstairs waiting in the den. I left Apollo to finish up with Brent." Rex has a slightly concerned expression, I'm guessing over what that could entail, so I elaborate. "We didn't even have to touch him."

Rex shakes his head. "Really? I shouldn't be surprised, but at least it negates any backlash with my superiors. I hate that I'd sort of started to like the guy when we were all in the same boat, but the fact that he betrayed his family so easily after Apollo stuck his neck out for him? Messed up, man."

Not wanting to dwell on how Apollo might feel about Brent, I just nod at him and switch the subject. "I'm sure she would like to be present for the discussion and what's going to happen now. I can't imagine she's been too happy about being left out. By the way, if she goes after me for it, I'm telling her it was all your idea."

Rex rolls his eyes at me. "Of course you will, but she's already aware that I orchestrated it." I give a grunt of surprise at the blonde man. "Not quite everything yet, but most of it." He gestures back toward the room. "Why don't you go ahead and wake her up? I'm going to grab some clean clothes real quick, and I think she'd be happy to see that you're okay firsthand without having to wait."

He's managed to surprise me again with his offer, and I take him up on it, slipping into the room as he heads for his own. Going a little further than I'm sure was intended, I strip down to my skivvies and climb into bed behind Lark. Remind her Rex isn't the only one wanting her.

"Solovey, it's time for you to wake up." My breath tickles the small hairs on the back of her neck— the rest loose and flowing across her pillow. She twitches her head back slightly at the irritation. Trying again, I drag the back of my fingernail up her bared spine and watch as goosebumps rise to the surface of her skin. Barely a twitch. Bastard must have worn her out.

Since she's still not waking up, I snuggle in and hold her tight to me. This time I try licking the shell of her ear— that gets a reaction I didn't expect. One of her arms flails back, whacking me in the head as she jerks her ear away from my mouth.

"What the fuck, Rex? You know I can't stand that.” Immediately, she notices her mistake. “Marcus, what are you doing here? Where did Rex go? Are you okay? Is Apollo? And why are you naked?” She gets more shrill with each question as she wraps the sheet around her body.

She's also completely adorable in her disorientation, and I have to chuckle at her despite the situation. I hold up my hands to forestall anything else. “One question at a time, everyone is fine. “ At her skeptical look, one that weirdly matches the one Rex gave me, I add, “Even Brent. He decided he'd rather give the information he has, rather than the alternative.” Her dark eyes soften with what I believe to be commiseration.

“I'm glad you guys didn't have to do anything further, but I'm also grateful you were prepared to. I can hit someone or more if I need to in self-defense, but...” she trails off, wincing slightly at some inner thought before she continues. “Anyway, aren’t you going to explain why you're naked in my bed?” She pointedly stares at my bare chest.

“Technically, I'm not.” I flip the blanket back. She’d managed to leave it over me when she extracted the sheet to cocoon herself. As I reveal that I have my boxers on, I also show that they’re tented from being in close proximity to her. My reaction around her is usually immediate, and hopefully, if she lets me stick around, it will somewhat come under control. Random hard-ons can be quite annoying.

I don't miss the interest in her gaze or the tip of her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Despite needing to get to the meeting, I recline back on her pillows, crossing my arms behind my head.

Nervously, Lark rushes out, “Shouldn't we get going if everyone is waiting downstairs?” She’s eyeing the door before she focuses back on me, and I'm betting she hopes I leave so she can get dressed. Unfortunately, she may have forgotten I'm not quite that much of a gentleman.

Smirking, I answer her. “I'll wait while you get ready.” My smirk widens into a full-blown grin at her wrinkled nose and pointed glare. “Unless you're chicken? I for one quite enjoy watching you no matter what you're wearing— or not,” I disclose as my hand reaches down to blatantly palm my dick.

Lark’s eyes widen as she tracks the motion, but she seems to give up some of her inhibitions. A teasing glint lights up her eyes with mischief, and she scoots awkwardly over the short expanse of bed, loosening the sheet as she goes to flop fully on top of me. The only thing now separating us are my shorts, and I’m surprised at the move.

Wiggling her hips against mine, Lark drops her chin on her folded hands that rest on my chest. She's slightly scrunched up since I'm closest to her in height out of us all. “Looks like little Marcus is happy to see me.”

My cocky grin turns into a dour frown. One thing I've not been referred to in that department is "little". When I tell her that, she laughs but agrees.

“No, definitely not, but what else should I call it? Isn't that a normal thing guys do? Name their dick ‘Junior’ or something?”

Pretending to be affronted, I shut her up by dragging her body up further until her face hovers over mine. "You hurt Junior’s feelings. I think I need a kiss to make it better.”

The infuriating woman doesn't immediately comply, instead she continues to give me sass. "You need it, or he needs it?”

Well, if that's the case. But the others intrude on my thoughts, and reluctantly, after pulling her head down for a swift kiss, I sit up with her still on me.

“I would really like to continue this, but the others are waiting downstairs." My statement sobers her teasing, and, with a sigh, she climbs off my lap, no longer at all shy about her lack of clothing— or even the evidence that's confirming she is indeed on her period. I get up and pull my own back on while she quickly gets dressed and together we go downstairs. As we make our way down to the den I silently promise my boner a raincheck if it will just go away for awhile.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic