Page 26 of Nightingale

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"You know, I think I forgot to tell Brade something. I'll just go do that now…" I back out of the kitchen as I speak, desperate to get out from under Apollo's predatory stare. Even in an apron, holding a wooden spoon and washrag, he doesn't look any less intimidating. I hightail it before he gets any ideas about me, countertops, and public nudity.

I find my bestie in the den and launch myself into his lap. “I’m sorry for being a twit and not confiding in you." I pull the tie from my hair, waiting for the best part of making up.

He looks askance at me for a moment with his bottle-green eyes before his burnished boy-next-door features melt into his panty-dropping smile.

"Accepted. And I'm sorry for being a twat and not giving you space and flipping out that you didn't tell me every little detail." He plants a kiss on my dark hair, then my lips— that's a new part to our making up. And finally… the head rub.

A low moan escapes at the awesomeness that is a Braeden scalp massage. I'm about to slide into a puddle on the floor to give him a better angle when we're interrupted by an irate voice.

"You've got to be kidding me! Are you two serious right now? Were you not the ones throwing down in the kitchen less than twenty-four hours ago, so loud that the entire house could hear you?" Brent appears, absolutely apoplectic.

I scowl in his direction while my ride or die bestie lays into him.

"I don't recall asking for your opinion, doctor. And if you don't like it, I believe your room is up the stairs and down the hall on the right." Brent has to be grinding his teeth based on how hard he's clenching his jaw, but we have more than him for an audience now. "Besides, Birdie and I haven't fought like that since she stole my boyfriend in high school," Brade continues on.

I sputter at him from my perch on his lap. "I'd hardly call your buddy who asked me on a date— as a boyfriend. And me going out on said date as stealing."

"Yeah, well, that buddy had sucked my cock like a pro not three hours beforehand then claimed he wanted us to stay on the down-low because no one knew he was into guys. I have to give it to him. He was committed to getting an in to talk to you." I roll my eyes at Braeden's story.

"So you said back then too. You still tore into me the morning after you found out we'd been dating for a month. How he managed to hide that I'll never know." The others were still gathered around the doorway to the den listening intently behind a fuming Brent.

"Yeah, I still feel kind of bad that I didn't realize you had been crying and weren't just puffy from sleeping with your makeup on. You sure let me have it though. Makes yesterday look like a tea party in comparison. I'm just glad the parentals were on a weekend away."

I scowl again, this time at the memory of the little twat I'd believed when I was a stupid girl. "I shouldn't have fallen for his lines. It barely took him an hour after taking my virginity and dropping me off at home to send me a breakup text."

With that information, the guys in the hall erupt into a fury of testosterone-fueled epithets. Which scares the snot out of Brent who had somehow been oblivious to the crowd behind him.

Rex can be heard above the rest, and his response has Brade's chest rumbling in amusement against my arm. "Where do I find the fucker? He's dead."

A giggle escapes me, making Brade's amusement turn into something more affectionate as he squeezes me tightly. "You can't kill Jimmy Michalkiewicz; I'm sure he's pot-bellied and balding anyway.

Emmett is shocked. "You still remember his name? It is true." He accuses, "girls always remember their first even with names like that. And why would you want to remember a douchebag anyway?" He actually seems pretty put out that I remember a name. I roll my eyes at him.

At this point, Marcus chimes in with Apollo nodding in full agreement. "Of course she remembers. A full name is best when hunting your prey." He drags his finger across his throat, and I about pee myself laughing.

"You guys are awful. Just think— Brade could have popped my cherry way back when, and I'd probably never have met any of you." My statement deflates the humor in the room like a pin popping a balloon, and I wince at my choice of words.

Surprisingly, Rex comes to my rescue. "It's alright, babe. We know you didn't mean it like that. And facts are facts; you'd probably have been better off."

The conversation stays strained after that, though thankfully everyone else leaves as Apollo announces dinner is ready.

Out of the blue, I feel tears well in my eyes, and curl up in Brade's lap as I cry silently into his chest. He just rubs my back and arm, humming to me until I eventually settle down and fall asleep right there on him.

I manage to wake up, groggy from sleep, eyes sore from crying, when Brade shakes me sometime later. Kissing his prickly cheek, I climb off his lap to go use the bathroom and rinse my face off. In the mirror, my dark hair is a bit crazy in its ponytail, and I take the time to fix it while eyeing my fading blotches. It’ll have to do, and briefly, I consider getting out my make-up upstairs before deciding it’s not worth the hassle. Would be kinda weird anyway after not really wearing any, to put it on before bed.

When my stomach complains, I remember I haven’t had dinner and make my way to the kitchen. Brade and Rex are both in there, and Brade already has a plate made for me. It’s nice to be pampered, but they hardly let me do anything for myself. Not sure if that’s something I should actually complain about though.

“Feeling better, babe?” I also kinda wish he’d chill with the ‘babe’ stuff. I understand it’s a habit, but— well, maybe I’m just being super bitchy.

“Yeah, for the most part. A bit irritable, I think, though.” It’s the only warning I’m giving him, and he can take it or leave it. His funeral.

“Good, because I wanted to talk to you about that window stunt.” Brade has picked up on my hint and is giving Rex the ‘abort course’ motions.

I pretend not to notice them, and Rex is oblivious. My inner bitch nearly purrs with the anticipation of ripping him a new one. “And what exactly would you like to discuss about it?” My stance turns predatory while an evil smirk plays over my lips.

Rex’s expression isn’t quite as confident, but he’s— well, Rex. “It was dangerous and uncalled for, and you know what?” He tosses his arms up. “Be more careful, damn it. I’d die if something happened to you when I was only teasing.”

Ohhh. Well, that put the bitch in her place. I deflate and calm down, giving Rex a sweet smile. Braeden, well he gets this wary look on his face, like he doesn’t trust it, and scoots back a few paces with his plate.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic