Page 40 of Lark

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Going Home

Emmett asks and is granted permission to escort me out. He keeps ahold of my arm the entire way despite my animosity toward him. I pick up the pace, dragging him with me when I spot Braeden waiting on me at the exit.

The person I'm presuming to be the attorney— and I could kiss the man right now— puts a staying arm out to stop Brade from meeting me when the guards next to the metal detector get antsy.

We walk through it moments later, and I'm in Brade's arms instantly. He picks up his head to peer at Emmett over my shoulder.

"Thanks man," he whispers.

"Not a problem, just doing my job." I don't understand, but I don't care. I'm free.

We exit the building, and I look back once, to see Emmett and Rex, side by side, with matching sorrowful countenances. That's all I allow, and then I shut the door on this chapter in my life. I'm sure I'll have to answer questions at some point, but it's not now, and for that I'm grateful.

Arriving home several hours later, I head straight for the shower. Where I break down in uncontrollable sobs. Braeden finds me sometime later once the water has run cold, and I'm shivering and blue.

"Birdie, no." He yanks me out, shutting the water off, wrapping me in a towel, and heading straight for my bed, uncaring about the water trailing from me.

Under the blankets, he strips to his boxers, wrapping me in his body heat. My teeth chattering, I stutter out an apology.

"I'm so sorry, Brade. It's all too much. And I don't know what you had to do to get released. That man is a monster."

"Lark, honey, all I did was give a quick statement that corroborated the other guys, general blood work and a urine test, and let them take a picture of the brand. That's it. I didn't even have to get undressed further than exposing my underwear. They even offered to let me have it done at my own doctor’s office to check if I picked anything up while we were there, which didn't matter to me either way. I don't know what they were after with you. Emmett facilitated my release and told me to get you an attorney immediately."

"Wait, what? Emmett? But he— Oh, no." I feel like an ass after I treated him like shit. "Did Rex—?" I don't know how to finish that.

"No, pretty bird. Just Emmett." It's nice to have someone that can interpret your thoughts when you can't voice them.

"Brade, I think I'm gonna need to talk with someone." He just hugs me tighter.

"I know. I'll be going too. It's already being set up."

I drift off, knowing he'll be there for me, no matter what.

Six Weeks Later

I've gone to several appointments with an FBI approved counselor and had a general, non-invasive work up done with my own medical provider. The doctor cleared me, but the counselor has me taking anti-anxiety meds to keep the panic attacks at bay.

I haven't seen nor heard from Rex or Emmett and have only found out about Marcus and Apollo from what's been on the news. Brade usually shuts it off when he catches me watching it. Thankfully, our address hasn't been leaked to the media yet, and we both can stay home for awhile longer with our savings.

Braeden and I still haven't discussed anything relationship-wise other than we're still as close as ever. Maybe with time, that'll be a topic, but right now I'm just too confused. The meds seem to be helping lessen the panic attacks that were beginning to take over. The official diagnosis: PTSD. No shit, people.

Except I'm not sure how much longer I can take them as I stare at the little stick that is currently rocking my world. Two. Fucking. Pink. Lines.

This isn't happening.


I'm trying to keep my shit together when Braeden starts banging on my bedroom door. "Lark!" The panic in his voice prompts me to stash the test in the drawer under the sink and exit my ensuite bathroom.

I find Braeden harried and rushing around my room, throwing clothes in a duffel bag. "Get your toiletries, we have to go. Now, Lark!"

"Brade, calm down and tell me what's happening."

A voice I wasn't sure I'd hear again answers me instead.

"Lark, move your ass. Pops escaped and is out for blood. Grab your stuff and let's go." It's Marcus, using my actual name, with Apollo standing directly behind him.

I give a happy cry and hug first Marcus and then Apollo. "How did you guys get here?" I hadn't realized how worried I've been about them.

"Please, Nightingale, there's no time. We have to hurry. My father could be watching your house, I'll explain on the way." I nod and start to help Braeden.

"Birdie, I got the clothes and shoes, but if you want tampons, you'd better get them now." The reminder causes me to feel faint.

Oh, fuck.

The End...For Now.

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Tags: Emma Cole Erotic