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“Like what?” Harlow asked. “Ball sacks and desperation?”

I let out a big barking laugh, then clamped my hand over my mouth as it echoed off the marble walls and floor of the room. “You’re going to get me caught!”

“Let’s be stealth about this,” she said, heading for the elevator. We got inside. It was identical to the one in my building and punched the top floor. They did have two more levels than we did. I supposed the kings of industry wanted to feel as big as possible when they laid their heads to rest. Or maybe it was simply because there were so many more men than women going to college at Crimson.

It opened, and I peeked into the hallway. It was empty.

“I know he’s room number 1,” I said. “That would make him in the same spot as mine.”

“Because you’re the number one bitch over there, right?” Harlow said without a trace of meanness in her voice. She sounded even semi-admiring of my position in the hierarchy of college life.

“You know it,” I said and blushed, but the lighting was low enough that she didn’t notice. I still wasn’t comfortable with the so-called power people assigned to me.

We crept slowly down the hall, and I turned the door handle carefully, thrilling with delight when I found it turning fully and opening.

I nodded to Harlow and pushed it wider, just enough for us to slip inside. I closed it behind us and barely contained a psychotic-sounding giggle as I tip-toed towards the bed.

“Should we pull the sheets back or do it on the blankets?” I asked with a breathy voice filled with the excitement and revenge of this act.

Harlow opened her mouth in the dark to respond. I could see her illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, but Alexander’s voice responded instead.

“Do what?” he asked sleepily and sat up. I screamed, and Harlow yelped, and nothing made sense once again.


“What are you doing here?”I demanded and watched him for his reaction. I wanted to see any sign of deception on his part.

“What do you mean? I’m sleeping. It’s late. What are you doing here?” he responded in a soft, sleepy voice. His tousled hair was almost as sexy as the way he sounded. He looked past me and added, “What’s she doing here?”

“We came to piss on your bed,” Harlow answered bluntly.

“Wait, what?” Alexander exclaimed and looked back at me. He rubbed his eyes and woke up more. “Why would you do that?”

“I saw you with Victoria!” I exclaimed. “I fucking saw you!”

“What the fuck are you talking about, little sparrow?” he asked. He swung his blankets back with one sweeping motion and slid his legs over the side of his bed. He stood up and took three steps to stand in front of me. It all happened so fast that I didn’t have time to react when he cupped my face in his hands and held it there tightly. “What the fuck has gotten into you? Have you lost your mind?”

“No!” I wailed. “I fucking saw you at Decker’s party. She was riding your cock in the office upstairs!”

He shook his head and said, “Never happened. I can smell that you’ve been drinking. You must have imagined the whole thing.”

“I did not!” I yelled and put my hands on his chest to shove him away. He was too strong, though, and he felt too good. I felt weak and powerless in front of him as if the mere sound of his voice could turn my limbs to jelly. “I saw you!”

“Did you see my face?” he asked and didn’t let go of mine. “Did we make eye contact?”

“No...” my voice trailed off, and I tried to go over what I’d seen once again. It had been him, hadn’t it? I didn’t see his face, but the back of his head was unmistakable. And his voice sounded a little off, but it was Alexander.

He released my face. He sighed and said, “Why the fuck would I go to Decker’s party? He’s one of the guys who led the attack on Luke, but we haven’t been able to get back at him. I fucking hate the guy.”

“I know what I saw,” I insisted. “I fucking saw you. Victoria was riding you, and she looked right at me. She wanted me to see everything.”

“I’m sorry, little sparrow,” he said and then shook his head. “Actually, no. Fuck it. I’m not sorry. I won’t apologize for somebody else fucking Victoria because it wasn’t me, and it wasn’t with my dick.”

“But I saw—”

He held his finger up to my lips and cut me off. “Shh, enough. I don’t know what kind of trickery she was up to, but it wasn’t me. I can prove it. Come to Rome’s room with me. He can tell you we were sitting there all night talking shit and playing cards with Luke.”

“Go with him,” Harlow said when I looked over at her, my eyes rolling wildly in their sockets. Everything was uncertain then, I was sure I’d seen Alexander with Victoria, but now I couldn’t fully trust my own first-hand experience.

Tags: Amelia Winters Romance