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There had been no trace of her and no trace of the cold, sterile hospital corridor Luke swears he saw there. We all sort of agreed that Luke had hallucinated the entire thing because he’d been slipping in and out of a coma, but none of us would tell him that.

“I didn’t mean to cut you off earlier,” Harlow said, at last, breaking the silence. “You were saying something about Uppers and how you could help us. I guess being the fiancee of Alexander Remington has its perks.”

“It would seem that way,” I replied. “But first, I have to get married, so this won’t be immediate.”

“And second, we have to prove that I’m exemplary. And Luke, too, I assume,” she said.

“Now that’s gonna be the hard part,” I laughed and ducked as she swiped at me with her hand. “Missed me. I guess you’re not an exemplary athlete.”

“Screw you,” she grinned, and when I relaxed, she reached out and whacked me. “There, see? Exemplary at smacking your ass into next week.”

“I’ll see if that can be added to your list of exemplary skills,” I replied with a wink. “But seriously, at least it’s a potential way to save you and Luke from the drudgery of Lower life.”

“It makes me feel weird to think about escaping,” she said. “What about everybody else who is still stuck?”

“You can’t help them until you’re out,” I replied. “I promise, this will help us make changes.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she said. Then she looked around furtively and leaned closer. “Do you want me to come to your room tonight?”

“Always,” I replied. Ever since that night she stayed with me, we tried to stay together as much as possible. It was easier to sneak her into my room than it was one of the guys. I liked the comfort of having somebody else with me in the dark, so when I woke up from a dream or a nightmare about another world where I was a different person, I knew I wasn’t alone. Her breathing was an anchor that kept me from floating away.

“Hey, bitches,” Victoria snarked as we got closer to my dorm building. “What are you whores up to tonight?”

“What I love best about you is how sweet and kind you are,” I scoffed and stood in front of her. She was stunning, as usual, and wearing the most beautiful tailored dress that clung to her body perfectly. It was classy with just the undertone of slut, hinting at just the right amount of sex she promised whatever man she took home with her.

Only she could pull it off, and I was convinced. Her little gremlin buddy, Grace, tried, but she wasn’t even close. There were some who said I could pull off beautiful and revealing dresses like that, but I always felt awkward in them. As if I was playing dress-up in somebody else’s clothes. I hadn’t gone back to my comfort wardrobe, matching Harlow’s oversized hoodies and dark gothic elements, but I was comfortable more than fashionable most of the time.

“You know I love you,” she said and stepped forward to give me air kisses on each cheek. When she was done the last one, she whispered in my ear, “And I love your access to treatments.”

“I know,” I whispered back. “I’m not suffering any delusions that you actually consider me a friend.”

“Good,” she said, stretching red lips over perfect white teeth. “At least we’re on the same page. But you can come to Decker’s party tonight. It’s in his dorm building, and anybody in Upper society is going to be there.”

Grace looked at Harlow with bug eyes, like she was about to choke, knowing a Lower was so close to her.

“You can bring your lap dog, too,” Victoria added, nodding at Harlow. “Just make sure she dresses up.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Harlow’s tired, and we do have to study.”

“Listen, if you don’t bring her along, then I’ll put in my request early,” Victoria said with a sneer. She was so smug, and I knew she had something on me.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, if you don’t jump through my hoops, I’m going to request your lap dog is my personal assistant next year. She’ll have to live with me and attend to all my needs, and she will fucking hate it.”

“I’ll request it first,” I exclaimed, but Harlow winced at that. I knew she’d prefer it if nobody requested her or owned her services.

“Whatever,” Victoria said with an eye roll. “The point is that I can make your friend’s life an absolute hell if you don’t listen to what I want. And tonight? I want you at Decker’s party.”

“Why?” I asked. I didn’t trust her motives at all. She was being sort of friendly, but there was something else going on with her.

“Why not?” she asked, then looked at Harlow directly. “You’d better be there, or you’re gonna be washing my clothes and painting my toenails for me next year.”

“Well, looks like we’re going,” Harlow quipped, glancing over at me.

We managed to only get stuck talking to Victoria and her little crowd for a few more minutes before we edged away and made some lame excuse about getting ready upstairs.

Once in my room, I leaned back against my door and said, “What the fuck was that all about?”

Tags: Amelia Winters Romance