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“I think you are,” I laughed, and we talked a little bit here and there until we began to drift asleep. As I was about to slip under the water, far from consciousness, I felt her reach out and take my hand. My instinct was to pull away at first, but then it felt nice. It felt good to hold somebody else as I slept, to know that I wasn’t going to dissolve and blow away into the wind.


“You look fucking hot,”Luke said as I wiggled through the hedge. “You always look fucking hot, but there’s something extra about you today.”

He looked good, too. A month had passed since his attack, and since he’d been back, he had been put under Alexander’s protection. The three of them had hunted down a couple of the guys who had first thrown punches at Luke and had taken their anger out on them. I heard whispers through the grapevine that they weren’t coming back to school, even though they were Uppers.

“Thanks, you too,” I said and sat on the bench, facing him with our knees touching. He pulled me towards him for a kiss, and I melted into the sensation of his lips on mine and the taste of cigarettes on his tongue.

We broke apart and looked at each other. It was afternoon, after classes, and I didn’t know what to tell him about the reason for my appearance. I’d had another treatment and felt guilty every time I did now that I knew where the energy came from.

“Fuck, you’re always here ahead of me,” Alexander grumbled, pushing through the hedge from the men’s side of the campus. Luke looked up with a grin and nodded his head.

“Early bird gets the sexy little whore,” Luke said and pulled me for another kiss. I melted again and heated up even more when Alexander straddled the bench behind me. His arms wrapped around me, and he nudged ahead to press his hard cock against my butt and tighten his thick, muscled thighs against mine.

“I might need a little piece of that,” Alexander murmured into my hair. He kissed my neck and nibbled my flesh, sending shivers of desire up and down my spine.

“God, you two,” I giggled and wiggled in their arms. I loved these moments when I felt free, grounded, and completely normal. Like an ordinary girl, loving her men and enjoying her life. “We need to get serious, it’s almost winter break, and we have to make plans.”

“Do you still want to come to my estate?” Alexander asked, kissing my neck again.

“Are you sure your father isn’t going to be there?” I asked. I was so nervous about seeing Mr. Remington again, and as much as I loved Alexander’s plan to have all of us spend the two weeks at his place, I was sickened to think of encountering the older man.

“I promise, he’s going to be with his new wife,” Alexander said. “They’ve booked a yacht on the French Riviera for him and her three shitty little brats.”

“You have new step siblings?” Rome asked. “How many is that now?”

“Too many,” Alexander scoffed. “Thank god he never puts them in the will, or I might start to worry.”

“I’m sure there’s more than enough money to go around,” I laughed. I couldn’t imagine the amount of money his family had. I was certain there was enough to share with most of the country, and they’d still have enough to live comfortable lives.

“It’s not about the money. It’s the fact that he keeps hooking up with these gold-digging whores who want their hands on it,” Alexander said with a dark tone in his voice. It was comforting to know there were some things I still recognized, like the phrase ‘gold-digging whore’.

“Then tell your father he needs to keep his dick in his pants or make them sign prenups,” Luke replied. “It doesn’t seem like the very rich have very complicated problems. You just make them complicated by being stupid.”

“Maybe he likes the added excitement of almost being fucked over every time he gets married,” Alexander sighed, and I felt his tension dissipate behind me. “I don’t know. I’m not gonna be like that. That’s the only thing that I can say for certain. Once we’re married, Willow, we’re done. One and done, baby.”

“One?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Just one?”

I wasn’t really that excited at the prospect of having only Alexander for the rest of my life, not with the way I felt about Luke and Rome. I couldn’t imagine myself being content with just one man from here on out.

“Onemarriage, little sparrow,” he chuckled behind me and leaned forward to nip my neck. His teeth caught my flesh between them and rolled it lightly, sending little sparks of pleasure out from the point of contact. I drew in a shaky breath, and my eyes widened in surprise at how much I liked being bitten like that. “I meant one marriage, but three men. Don’t worry, I know how hungry you are, and I see the love you have for us all. It would be cruelty to keep you from your desires.”

In front of me, Luke chuckled and said, “You should have seen her face. If looks could kill, you’d be dead as a slab of meat right now, Remington.”

“I guess I’m kinda obvious,” I replied and leaned back into Alexander’s arms. I lifted my legs to drape them across Luke’s thighs. He rubbed them and ran his hands higher under my skirt.

“Yes, it’s very obvious what’s on your mind right now,” Luke said, looking down at my lap. “And it’s obvious what I need to do.”

I smiled and closed my eyes, thinking he meant a massage or maybe a kiss, but I felt him tug at the hem of my skirt, and before I knew what was happening, he flipped it up. I gasped, and he dove forward, pulling my legs wider and lifting my hips up, so I reclined back in Alexander’s arms.

“We can’t,” I exhaled breathily and looked around, a blush creeping into my cheeks as I imagined people in the hedge around us watching. “Not here.”

“We can do it wherever we want, little sparrow,” Alexander growled into my ear. “You know I basically fucking own this campus. There isn’t a single person who could tell me to stop this. They know they wouldn’t survive if they tried.”

Normally, his display of power would turn me off. It would anger me and frustrate the feelings I had about division and abuse of control in this crazy world.

But right then, with Luke licking long, slowly passes up my inner thigh to my waiting, wet pussy, I didn’t care. I wanted his power, and I wanted him to use it to get what I needed. I needed a release. I needed to have them touch me and play with me until I exploded and let the pent-up energy flow out into the ether.

Tags: Amelia Winters Romance