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“Stay in here, behind the door,” I said in a low whisper. I turned on the water and plugged the tub. “I’m going to tell her I’m taking a bath.”

“I don’t think that will work,” he said, but I was already leaving. I closed the door most of the way and hung a long towel over it to hide the crack where she might see him standing. I pulled my bathrobe on and yanked the tie around my waist. I ducked back in to splash a little water on my face and darted back out again.

Just as I was heading to the door, it opened, and Victoria strode in like she owned the place.

“Hope you don’t mind. I used my key,” she said, dangling a set from a pink furry keychain. “I was worried when you didn’t respond.”

“I was in the bathroom,” I said. “I was just napping, and now I need a bath.”

“That sounds like an awful way to spend your Saturday afternoon,” she said as she looked around, her eyes falling on everything in my room as if she could tell somebody else had been there. She had an uncanny sixth sense that unsettled me. Her constant need for social domination gave her observational skills beyond anybody else I’d seen. “It looks like you ruined your shirt.”

She pointed to where my blouse was lying on the floor with the buttons popped off.

“Oh, that,” I replied and laughed nervously. “I don’t know what happened, but the minute I got up here alone, it felt like my skin was on fire. Like I had a fever or something.”

“Again?” she asked. “Isn’t that why you freaked the fuck out yesterday?”

“Kinda,” I said. “I don’t know. I’m having bad reactions to the medication, I think. Sometimes the pills make me do strange things.”

“I can see that,” she replied, her perfectly curled, shiny blonde hair glowing in the light from the window. “Like that bathrobe. Ick. It looks old as fuck. Maybe for your birthday, I’ll get you something new.”

“That would be so generous of you,” I replied with a kind smile. At least I hoped it was a kind smile and not the manic fragile evil clown mask I felt like I was wearing at the moment. I felt conflicted between killing her with kindness and escorting her out of my room and just killing her.

Maybe not completely dead, but it seemed to me that I’d already had my fill of girls like her. I was over it, and I couldn’t understand why I allowed Victoria to rule the roost last year.

“Okay, slut,” she said in a nonchalant, disinterested voice. “I’m outtie. I hope you feel better after a long soak.”

She flipped her hair over one shoulder and flounced. I locked the door behind her again and thought about getting a sliding bolt lock so I could have some guaranteed privacy from this side of the door, at least.

“She’s gone,” I said, walking back to the bathroom.

But when I pushed the door open and turned off the water, I realized so was he.

The window was open, and the curtains blew in the gentle breeze, but beyond that, there was no evidence that Luke Lancaster had ever been in my room.

I stuck my head out of the catchment and looked from side to side. The roof had a steep pitch, but it was doable if somebody was careful. It was dangerously far to the ground but luckily high enough that nobody could have seen him from down there.

I wondered how he’d managed to get down to his side of the campus, but that would have to remain a mystery until I saw him alone next.

Until then, I could just revel in the memories that stuck clear in my head, of his lips, his belt, his cock, and his head between my legs.

That was enough to sustain me for now.

* * *

The weekend passed without incident.I didn’t see Luke again, and Harlow seemed to have disappeared along with all the other Lowers. I spent my time alone as much as I could or trapped with Uppers in the dining hall or in the courtyard.

Victoria was uncharacteristically nice to me, which was a relief but also unsettling. I got the feeling she was only kind to those she needed to use or to those who were in dire situations. I wondered if Norris had told her I was dying or something.

But I doubted that. I felt fantastic. Having my orgasm with Luke had given me a renewed sense of vigor and a determination to keep going. No wonder people became sex addicts. It was delicious and carried me through to classes on Monday.

Matron Baker was there again on Monday morning, warning us all that perfect attendance was expected, as well as us falling in line and following the rules.

Punishments, however, varied between Uppers and Lowers.

“Lowers will be expelled immediately following any infraction,” Baker said with her stern voice. There were about a hundred students in the lecture hall, and they’d tried to divide us up, Uppers on the right side, Lowers on the left. But I was sitting with Harlow at the back, where the aisle split towards the exits, and there was an island of three rows of seats. We were the only two in the space, which afforded us more privacy than I expected.

“What a fucking joke,” I heard a girl mutter behind me, on the Lower side. Several other girls around her gasped, and I cringed, waiting for her to get caught.

Tags: Amelia Winters Romance