Page 66 of Dirty Queen

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“That. Was. Fucking. Hot, princess,” Ryker exhales and Archer agreed.

“Fucking sexy,” he said.

And I felt sexy. I felt powerful and filled with energy as I drove down to the streets of Oakville. Thank god it was night and it was mostly deserted, or else I was sure there’d be blue and red lights flashing around me. I wasn’t supposed to be driving high speeds like a maniac with just my learner’s permit, if I’d been caught, I’d be fucked.

“Who were they?” I asked. “Was that the Organization?”

“It had to be,” Valen said. “Who else would pull something like that?”

“Amara’s going to lose her shit,” Kingston said. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell her, she’ll never let you leave the house again if she finds out.”

“How do we explain whatever broke back there?” I asked. “It sounded like a tail light, but if I say I backed into something, that’s almost as bad.”

“Yeah, you have a point. The good news is there aren’t any windows broken so you have that,” Ryker said, trying to make it seem better.

I was about to reply when the back side window shattered and the sound of gunfire went off all around me.

“They’re shooting! Those fucking pieces of shit!” Archer bellowed. “Step on it!”

I looked around for where they were coming from and spotted a truck racing down a side street towards us. A man hung out the passenger side and had a rifle in his hands, shooting as they sped towards us.

“Oh my god!” I screamed. “Is anyone hurt? Did they get anyone?”

“Just some cuts from the glass, princess,” Ryker snarled. “We’ll deal with it later.”

“God dammit, we should have guns,” Kingston said, looking around for the truck.

It was directly behind us now, and a sudden movement in the corner of my eye drew my attention to another one on a side street barreling towards us.

It narrowly missed hitting us by inches. If I hadn’t seen it and hadn’t sped up. Well, I hate to think of what would have happened.

“There! In front of us!” Valen yelled and pointed down the street where another truck was racing straight for us. The wind from the shattered window blew all around the interior of the Mercedes and I shivered in the frigid air. Or it could have been my nerves drawn tight and ready to snap, either way, my entire body was vibrating to expend the energy built up inside.

My guys kept talking, they were mostly swearing and encouraging me or pointing out where the Organization’s trucks were coming from. But I didn’t hear any of it. It was like they were yelling underwater, I knew they were saying something but I couldn’t make it out.

I was completely trapped inside my own head. I had laser focus that was almost frightening in its precision.

I wanted to kill, I wanted to hurt the men in the trucks, and I wanted to end this once and for all.

As the truck driving straight for us got closer, I tilted the steering wheel to aim even more directly at it. I didn’t care anymore. The Mercedes would survive a collision and so would all of us. The truck, however, was going to get fucked up beyond recognition if we hit head on.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, a battle cry of fear, rage, pain, and fierce determination. I gripped the steering wheel and rode the last few feet like a demon princess on her steed.

And at the last possible second, with a hair’s breadth to spare, the truck swerved out of the way and blew past us at top speed.

“Fucking yes!” Ryker exclaimed loudly. “Yes!”

The other guys agreed, all exclaiming as loudly as him, cheering and yelling as I kept driving faster than before. We raced through the streets and I swerved to miss a couple cars here and there until one time I almost hit a guy on a bike, but missed him at the last minute. I forced myself to slow down and pay attention after that, before I did something I’d regret, like killing somebody who didn’t deserve it.

I enjoyed killing Thackeray, but only because he had to pay for what he’d done. Even his family didn’t bother much anymore, them hurting at his loss. But the thought of killing somebody completely innocent made me feel sick to my stomach.

“Where are they?” I asked with breathless intensity, looking around as much as I could without taking my eyes off the street in front of me. “I lost sight of them. Fuck, where did they go?”

“I don’t see any of them,” Valen replied, twisting in his seat to seek them out.

“Nothing back here, princess,” Ryker said.

The energy in the Mercedes was insane. All of us were so geared up and vibrating at such a high frequency I felt like we could power a city block with the electric current zipping through us all.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic