Page 39 of Dirty Queen

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We got our meals and sat down at our usual table at the back of the room. We were in our own little bubble while we ate, talking and laughing and making plans for the Christmas break.

We decided to go away for a few days. I felt like I needed it at that point, and if Amara would let me have a break, I would take it.

“I can’t wait for this week to be over,” I said and added a small slice of lemon to my sparkling water. I’d really gotten spoiled being here at Covington, back at Oakville it was water out of the taps or bring your own from home. It felt like a thousand years between the girl who had brought PB&J sandwiches at the beginning of the year. So much had happened, was I even the same person now?

“I can’t wait to get you all to myself,” Archer said, running his hand up my thigh under the table. I shivered at his touch and the implied meaning behind his words.

“All to yourself?” Valen asked, arching his eyebrow. “Come on, man, don’t be greedy. It’s bad enough you took the last chocolate muffin, now you want to keep Everly in your bed?”

“I meant all of us,” Archer said with a laugh. “All to ourselves, there, how’s that?”

“Better, I guess,” Valen replied, but then he looked at Archer’s tray and snatched the chocolate muffin off his plate. “Nowthat’seven better, though.”

I loved it when they played around, all of them. I wanted that life, I wanted us to be free of the weight of the Organization and everybody trying to hurt us. I wanted a carefree existence where I could love my Kings and Ryker without judgement or fear.

“You guys, there’s enough to share,” I said and reached out, taking a piece of the muffin from Valen’s hand. I popped in my mouth and smiled at all of them. “Just remember that if you have the urge to fight over my muffin. There’s more than enough of me to make you all happy.”

“She’s got that right,” Kingston said and leaned into me on the other side. Archer on my left, Kingston on my right. Valen and Ryker across from us. “I’ve always known there was something special about my Evie. I never thought three other guys would see the same thing, but it makes her happy to share her love so I’m here for it.”

“Me too,” Ryker said. “And I’m not gonna lie, I kinda just like the way she sucks my dick.”

“That too,” Valen replied and raised his eyebrow at me. “Now shit, I can’t remember what we were even talking about. All I can think of is the way you put your sweet lips around—”

“Okay,” I laughed. “Okay, okay, I know what you all like, there’s no need to talk about it so loudly.”

“Maybe we should finish up here and find somewhere more private,” Ryker said, wiggling his brows at me suggestively across the table.

I was about to agree, but a dark shadow fell across our table and I looked up to find Mitchell standing beside us, a nasty smirk on his face.

“Thinking of doing a repeat show, are we?” he said and looked from me to Ryker and back to me. “That was pretty fucking hot, by the way. Thank you for giving me jerk off fodder for weeks to come. Next time I’ll pay extra to have a shot at your sweet little cunt myself.”

“Next time?” I blurted with angry force. “There won’t be a next time. You do realize I was a prisoner, don’t you? You know I was forced to do that?”

Tears of frustration and humiliation prickled the edges of my eyes and a wave of heat rose from my chest to my cheeks. I felt hot and red faced and I hated that he had that effect on me. But he made me feel dirty, as if I’d somehow been responsible for my own exploitation.

“Nice, that makes it even hotter,” Mitchell sneered and looked down at my breasts. I was wearing a loose fitting shirt, but his gaze left a bad sensation across my skin, like an oil slick on the water. He acted as if I was on display just for him. “Next time you think about acting like a fucking fool, just remember that the Organization still owns you. Just because they let Ryker tear into your virgin pussy doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.”

“Watch what you’re saying,” Kingston warned, his voice more like a growl than normal.

“What am I saying?” Mitchell asked in mocking surprise. “I’m simply letting you all know that we run this town. We run this state. There’s no way to escape the Organization, not if you plan on living within a thousand miles of here.”

“I’m not,” I said. “I’m getting away as soon as I can.”

“Let me rephrase that,” Mitchell scoffed. “There’s no way to escape no matter where you live.”

“Are we going to have a problem here?” Kingston asked and stood up. The moment he stepped out of the table’s bench, Mitchell blanched white and shrunk back. Kingston had several inches in height and about sixty pounds of sheer muscle on him.

“No problem,” Mitchell said. “Unless you want to get shot again. Maybe this time we gun you down, you’ll die like a dog in the street.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ryker snarled and jumped up, walked around to join Kingston. “Do we have a problem here, dude? Or do I need to rearrange that smug look on your fucking face?”

“Ah yes, the attack animal,” Mitchell said, trying to come off as unaffected but in reality it looked like he was about to piss himself. “Isn’t that what you’re here for? To attack when your masters tell you to?”

“Like now?” Ryker asked, looking over at Kingston. “Are you suggesting I attack now?”

“That’s not what I...” Mitchell’s voice sputtered as he tried to back pedal now that two men were standing up to him. He wasn’t used to having anyone tell him no, or oppose him, and the effect was actually quite funny.

“What did you mean, then?” Kingston asked?

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic