Page 31 of Dirty Queen

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It turned out that on top of everything else I liked about them, I liked to watch them, too.

They only kissed for a moment, though, because all of them preferred me and I wasn’t going to argue with that.

Kingston kissed my shoulder behind me while Ryker stayed in front. He cupped my face in his free hand and said, “You’re so fucking beautiful, princess. I’m addicted to the way your cunt squeezes me when you come. Did you know that?”

“You might have mentioned it,” I said with a light-hearted sigh. But he wasn’t being silly, he was serious at the moment and seriously addicted to making me feel good.

He slid his finger back and forth across my clit and released my face. As he kissed me, he pulled Valen and Archer back towards us. He broke away from my mouth, fingered my pussy hard enough to make me gasp, and said, “We need to get her in the house. I want to watch you fuck her before I lick her clean.”

It felt like a fever dream as we left the pool. I didn’t even care if any of my father’s people saw us leave, I didn’t care that they saw us naked and all over each other.

I was drifting in a haze, a beautiful bubble of pure bliss with my guys. Nothing could break into it, nothing felt unnatural about the way they made me feel.

Archer picked me up in his arms when we reached the lush lawn before the wide steps to the veranda. I clung to him with my arms around his neck, while he carried me as if I weighed nothing.

For being a curvy, muscular girl my entire life, it made me feel beautiful and protected, sexy and vulnerable with them. Each one of my guys was massive and muscled and could physically overpower me at any moment, but each and every one of them was solely focused on pleasing me. I had them worshiping at my feet and idolizing me for the beauty they saw in me.

When I looked at myself through their eyes, I saw it too.

I was truly beautiful when I was loved.

“You’re so hot,” Valen said, nuzzling my neck when we reached the top step. “It’s like you’re on fire from the inside.”

“It’s her fiery little cunt,” Archer said and reached for me. Valen let him take me and I slipped my arms around his neck. He carried me the same way, like a beautiful baby, a precious thing that needed his love. “She’s all hot and wet for us, I can imagine it now. I can practically feel her wrapped around my cock.”

His voice was low and rasping and thick with emotion. I realized how much they needed this, how much they needed my attention after being separated from me. After feeling like they’d let me down.

They must have been driven mad by it, Archer and Valen, Kingston too. They would have been sick with worry about my safety and waiting for my return.

I couldn’t be upset with them, I couldn’t be mad that they hadn’t prevented my kidnapping.

Nothing I said would ever be as harsh as the things they told themselves. Now I wanted to soothe them, to be the balm to their ravaged nerves. To let them know I would never leave again.

“Take me upstairs,” I said. “To the bed, I want to be with all of you, I want to see all of you.”

They practically ran me up the curved staircase to Archer’s bedroom. I felt like the Olympic torch being passed from one elite athlete to the next, a prize to be treasured.

“Oh fuck, I’ve been wanting this,” Valen said as they set me on the bed. “I was going crazy when we saw you there. I hated that you were a prisoner, but I hated even more that I wasn’t allowed to touch you.”

“That was torture,” Archer said, joining in. “I know it makes me sound like a piece of shit and believe me, my sole intention was getting you out of there. But to see you like that, fuck. I wanted to join you so bad, Ryker.”

“I was the luckiest one in the room that day,” Ryker said, his face grim though. “I fucking hated them for the way it happened, but I didn’t hate that it did happen.”

“I understand,” I said and looked up at each of them. They were so gorgeous it almost hurt to stare for too long. “I forgive you all for everything you think you might have done wrong. I want to let you know you did everything right, because I’m here. Remember that, I’m safe and I survived it all because I had each of you with me in my heart the entire time.”

They nodded and looked relieved. I could do that for them, alleviate their guilt.

“Okay, so that’s settled. Now get down here and fuck me until I can’t remember my own name,” I laughed and patted the bed next to me.

They parted way when Kingston took his place between my legs. They’d all stripped off their swim trunks by that point, and his hard cock was jutting out like a flagpole. I could practically hang off it like a gymnast, it was that impressive.

He sunk to his knees and put his hands on my thighs. I could see him flinch at the movement, the pain it must have caused him.

“I’ve been dreaming of this,” he said. “I’ve been longing for it. But I think it’s only fair that Ryker gets his turn, the way you want it this time. The way it should be.”

“I agree,” I said.

And Kingston moved to the side so Ryker could climb onto the bed with me. He edged us both up the mattress so my legs were no longer hanging over the edge and he kissed me all over. He started at my knees and worked his way up my body to my breasts, and then across my throat.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic