Page 29 of Dirty Queen

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“What the fuck kind of game are they playing?” Ryker snarled. “I don’t like this. It feels like we’re being set up.”

“Set up for what, though?” Valen asked. “That doesn’t really make any sense.”

“Nothing the Organization does makes any sense,” I said. “But I don’t think this is setting us up, I think my Dad sent us back to the place we’d be the safest.”

“But this is where they snatched you from last time,” Ryker argued. “You’re a sitting duck anywhere in this town.”

“Not if he put out the word that I’m off limits,” I said. “And look at that, I think we’ll be safe with them around.”

We all looked out the windows towards the mansion. The helicopter had landed on the back lawn and the lights from the house lit everything up brightly, all the way to where we were.

On the lawn, in several rows, was what appeared to be a small army. Men and women in black form-fitting tactical gear were standing together holding weapons of all types. I felt a small shiver of excitement go through me as I realized they weren’t there to hurt me, they were there to help.

“My dad sent them, I think,” I told them. “He doesn’t want me to be a victim anymore.”

“He might be redeemable after all,” Ryker said as he relaxed just a little. “I’d still like to talk to him, though.”

The pilot turned around on the seat and said, “We’ve touched down. Do you need help exiting?”

“We’re good,” Archer said. “We’ll be out of your way before you know it.”

The pilot nodded, but still stood up. He opened the door and helped us navigate getting Penny unloaded. She woke up, but was disoriented. I talked her through stepping down, and Archer and Valen flanked her as we walked up towards the house.

The helicopter lifted off once we were all safely away, and the wind from the rotors whipped the thin, see-through dress I was wearing so hard I thought it would tear right off me.

I shivered and Ryker put his arm around me, pulling me towards the warmth of his body. I was humiliated, heading up towards the rows of people waiting for us. They could see everything once I got close enough.

“Wait here,” Valen said, and helped Penny over to me. I let her lean on me while he took off running towards the house.

The rows of militants parted to let him pass, and within a few minutes, he was running back carrying something in his arms. The guards stayed parted, expecting all of us to go through them in a few moments.

It was a blanket, he draped it over me and I recognized the plush throw from the patio on the back of the house. I’d even curled up under it at one time, relishing how warm and luxurious it was against my skin. Now it was a lifesaver, not only did it fight off the chill of the night air but it gave me back my dignity.

I draped it over Penny’s shoulder too, even though her silky nightgown wasn’t see-through, and she leaned against me as we walked.

“Thank you,” she murmured and seemed to perk up.

We reached the rows of armed guards at last, and I was impressed with how well trained and professional they looked.

We must have appeared to be a rag tag band of amateurs to them, but I already knew I wanted to be like them. I wanted that confidence, the ability to convey power with the simple way they stood. Like any one of them could kick ass at the drop of a hat.

“Everly Hayes?” a tall woman with broad shoulders and thick, dark hair asked as she stepped towards me. I was taken aback by her beauty and her power.

“Yes,” I said and looked up at her. She had to be almost six feet and was stunning, with dark eyes and warm brown skin. “And who are you?”

“I’m Amara Remington, your father’s partner,” she said and flashed me a smile that lit up her entire face. “I’ve been asked to teach you everything I know.”

I blinked hard, looked her up and down again, and said, “You’re my stepmother?”

Amara opened her eyes wide, threw back her head, and laughed.


“I still can’t believeyou thought I was married to your dad,” Amara snorted and shook her head. “It’s unfathomable to me and kind of gross when you think about it.”

“I didn’t know who any of you were,” I replied in a huff. “Come on, you have to give me a little break.”

I had escaped the Organization’s grasp just over a week ago and had been working with Amara ever since. She was training me in personal combat and firearms, so I would never be vulnerable again. Every day we trained was another layer of self-confidence applied directly to my soul.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic