Page 48 of Dirty King

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Chapter 18

We leftthe bedroom unnoticed and I found myself another drink or two to wash down the mixture of their seed in my mouth. It left an acrid taste that wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but it felt better after I finished the second drink.

I was light headed again, the alcohol doing that to me, so I took turns leaning on one or two of the boys at a time while they talked all things high school boys loved to talked about. Football, cars, music, sports, the usual.

I won’t lie and say I found it interesting, but I still loved listening to them get excited about things. It excited me to hear them passionate about their preferred teams or types of cars to drive.

And I loved the interplay between them all, especially now that Ryker was hanging around. It had changed the dynamic somewhat, with Kingston still on top but with more pressure from Ryker to take charge. There was something sparking between the two of them, and it wasn’t animosity anymore. I wanted to explore it at some point and see if I could get them to kiss, at least, and maybe more. They hadn’t when we’d been in the bedroom, and I hadn’t thought to suggest it then.

“You look sleepy, Evie,” Kingston said as I lay my head against his chest. “I should get you home.”

“I don’t have a curfew,” I replied. “Reg knows this is an Organization event.”

“Rick might be watching, though,” he said and he tensed up at the mention of his father. I noticed he stopped calling him Dad after the day of the shooting, after it had been revealed that Rick had been part of Reg’s abuse and I hadn’t been a willing participant.

“Yeah, you need to get your tight little ass home,” Ryker said and ran his hand casually along my shoulder and down my back. I shivered at the electric contact, the zap of connection when he touched me.

“We can’t have you falling asleep in class on Monday,” Archer said. “You need to keep those grades up.”

“We also have that math test for Baker’s class. Have you studied?” Valen asked. “I mean, fuck, of course you studied. I guess what I’m asking is if you’d help me study tomorrow.”

“Sure, I would love to do that,” I said. “Why don’t you come pick me up around noon? We can do it at your house.”

“Remember what they said,” Kingston told him with a dark, deep tone. “You can’t fuck her.”

“I think it’s a little too late for that,” I laughed. “I mean, all three of you have had your way with me.”

“Well, fuck,” Ryker exclaimed with his cocky, lopsided grin. “I missed that part?”

“You did, sorry, pal,” Kingston said, not lightening up. He was so protective and intense about it that the three of them drew back any jokes they were going to make about it. “And we fucked up. We fucked up big time. If the Organization finds out about it, Evie is in big fucking trouble. We have to protect her with everything we’ve got.”

“I’ll protect her with my life if I have to,” Archer said, and I expected him to make a joke about it. To clown around like he normally did, but he was just as intense in his protection as Kingston was. I raised my eyebrows at him and was surprised by it.

“You guys,” I told them, just to ease their guilt and stress. “I’ll be fine. I know what they said, but come on. It’s not like they’re going to snatch me off the streets and sell me in some slave market.”

I laughed about it, thinking about how insane the idea was.

But none of them did. They all glanced at each other with nervous, twitchy looks, and nobody laughed.

“I’m sure she’s right,” Valen said at last. “I’m sure nothing will come of it.”

He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head, but I could feel the tension in his body. I could feel how worried he was about just that very thing happening.

And it all felt so crazy to me.

Then again, if you had told me a year ago that I’d be part of Dirty Kingdom, I would have called you crazy.

Hell, if you had told me anything about Dirty Kingdom, I would have called you a liar.

“Okay, no more serious stuff. For real this time,” I said and gave them each a stern look. “One more drink, a little dancing, and then home.”

“How about no more to drink, no dancing, and then I drive you home to the safety of your bed before we drag you into that room upstairs and take turns fucking your tight little pussy?” Kingston said with a raised brow. “And I mean that most respectfully, Evie.”

“Respectfully, we’d like to fuck you into oblivion is what my esteemed friend is saying,” Archer laughed and shook his head. “God damn, Kingston, that was even over the top for you.”

“I’m just letting her know how it’s gonna go down if we don’t get her home,” Kingston said with an unapologetic shrug. “Her safety is my top concern at this point. I just wish I’d known about the Organization’s rule book before...”

His voice trailed off, and I heard the pain in it as his throat choked up. I knew what he was going to say, and I knew how his actions weighed so heavily on him now.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic