Page 39 of Dirty King

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Chapter 15

“Wait, wait, wait, hold up here,”Archer said, jumping forward to stand between Kingston and Ryker. He held his hand up like a gate to divide them. “Did you hear what she said? Did you? She’ll give us all a blowie if you two get your shit together.”

Valen added his arm to Archer’s impromptu gate, and said, “Seriously, why are you even hesitating? Cut this shit out, give Everly what she wants so we can explore her very generous offer.”

Ryker and Kingston remained locked in a battle of wills, neither one of them wanting to back down from staring intently at the other. It was such a typical young male power move, that if they were mountain goats, they’d be bashing their horned foreheads against each other.

“Come on, guys,” I said. “You know you won’t fight each other until the night of Dirty Kingdom. You have months to go. What if the Organization finds out about this?”

That seemed to get through to them because both of them flinched. Finally at last, Ryker broke and glanced at me. “You have a point, princess,” he said. “We can’t fuck with the Organization if we want to help you make it through all this.”

“Okay,” Kingston said at last and I took a deep breath of relief. The tension had been broken and all I had to do was suck a few dicks to save our lives. “You do have a good point. How are we going to protect her if they kick us out?”

Archer and Valen dropped their arms and stood on either side of me, ready to intervene again if needed.

“Exactly,” Ryker said. “Fuck the Organization, but the reality is that they can erase us as quickly as they brought us here.”

Kingston wasn’t happy about it. His jaw clenched and his eyes were still narrowed, but his shoulders relaxed. “Well shit, I guess we’d better get along if we’re going to be protecting Everly together.”

“And if we’re going to get our cocks sucked together, hey?” Ryker laughed.

Kingston appeared to tense up again, but before he could respond and ruin the shaky peace that I’d brokered, the same referee from the last couple fights called for the fighters to enter the ring.

“That’s me, I’m up,” Kingston said and turned to leave. Ryker grabbed his shoulder and I gasped, thinking he was going to cause more trouble.

But he didn’t. He extended his hand and shook Kingston’s vigorously. “Good luck in there, man,” he said. “We need you out here to keep this precious princess safe. Don’t go getting your ass kicked until I have the chance to do it.”

“I’ll have you on your knees, my friend,” Kingston said with his own smug, cocky smile. They released each other’s hands and Kingston walked towards the ring.

But before he was out of earshot, Ryker said, “I’m sure we’d both like that, but princess here would like it most of all.”

I blushed a furious red as he divulged my deep, dark, horny secret to the Kings. Kingston turned, smirked, and then kept walking.

“Shit, I don’t know if you two are going to fight each other or fuck each other,” Valen said with a laugh. “Either way, you’d better include Everly or she’s going to ditch your asses.”

“I would never think to leave princess out of anything,” Ryker said with a grin. “But she’d better get her pretty little money maker up there, she’s expected now.”

The girl from the other school was already up there. She was curvy and blonde and looked like a cheerleader. I had no idea how she’d been dragged into this whole Tribute thing, I thought they just went for losers and social outcasts like me.

I went to the fight cage and looked up at the guys standing around the platform. I didn’t recognize any of them, and felt weird asking for help to get up.

“Why don’t they invest in a fucking staircase?” I grumbled under my breath.

“Need a favor?” Max asked, looking down at me from above. “You’ll owe me if I let you up.”

“I’d rather stay down here,” I said and looked around.

“Come on, just promise me something sweet, and I’ll help you out,” Max said, extending his hand to me.

“I don’t want to promise you anything,” I said and looked away.

“You won’t have to,” Valen said from behind me. He moved around me, followed by Archer and Ryker, and jumped up to the platform. Then the three of them edged Max out of the way, reached down and lifted me up with ease.

“Thanks, guys,” I said and shot Max a dirty look. He licked his lips and raised his eyebrow.

He was a good looking guy and the other Tribute flirted with him as he hung out next to the cage. He draped his arm over her shoulder and I saw him tugging at the hem of her little skirt, trying to get his hands up underneath.

I shuddered and looked away into the fight ring. The other fighter was busy jumping up and down, punching the air and getting himself hyped up. His fists were already wrapped and he was glistening with sweat or oil, I couldn’t tell.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic