Page 33 of Dirty King

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“I did,” he said. “It felt like a blessing from God above to be offered my spot at Harrington. I foolishly thought it was because they wanted me because I was smart. I didn’t realize they wanted me because I could pound the shit out of anybody, and because I fuck like a machine.”

“You are smart, though, aren’t you?” I asked, ignoring the fucking part but my brain flashed back to his dick, and I couldn’t help it.

“I am,” he said and winked at me. Despite the fact that Kingston wouldn’t approve, Ryker caught my attention. I thought he was incredible. I could feel the sex rolling off him in long, languid strokes. A promise of something dark and dirty, of something that would fulfill my every desire if only I gave in and let him take me the way he wanted to.

“That stuff you told me about the warriors,” I said. “I found it in a history book. It was about the Selythian civilization, and what they’d do if they won.”

“They’d fuck the strongest warrior they could find,” he said with a smirk. “It was the ultimate show of dominance, to force the leader of the enemy faction to get down and prove subservience by sucking dick or being fucked.”

I thought about Ryker’s performance at the fight night, with that guy on his knees in front of him. And I couldn’t help it, intrusive thought and all, but again the image of Ryker’s massive tattooed, pierced cock flashed into my head like a hammer beating at my door.

I couldn’t shake it off as I looked at him, and I couldn’t shake the image of them both together out of my mind.

“I remember that,” I said quietly. “I remember that night. When you won, it was...”

My voice trailed off as I couldn’t manage to put all of my desire into words. I couldn’t encapsulate the whirlwind of my emotions into mere sounds that would convey the lust I felt deep in my heart and my body.

“Come on, princess, what was it?” he asked, and his smirk was more cocky than smug. He knew I felt something. He could tell. It was so fucking obvious I might as well crawl under the seat of his truck and disappear.

“I just, well,” I stammered and stopped. My throat was dry and my tongue clicked as I spoke. “It was really hot.”

“Hot?” he said with a sly look. “It was hot to see me force a man onto his knees so he could suck my cock and drink my seed?”

His hand gripped the knob of his gear shift tightly, and his fingers and forearm muscles were working as he clenched and unclenched. I was mesmerized.

“Yes, hot,” I said, emboldened by my new, clear-headed self. I couldn’t even believe what I was saying, though. Or what I was doing. How was it that I was driving to the Quarry with the guy who was going to fight my Kingston during Dirty Kingdom? How could I be doing this behind his back? Their backs?

My Kings would be disgusted if they knew where I was or what I was doing, flirting along the knife blade of disaster, not heeding the danger, in fact feeling a little too excited by it.

“I could tell by the look in your eye, back on the night of the fight,” Ryker said and let out a small scoffing laugh. “I could see how wet you were, I could practically smell it on you, princess.”

“I was not,” I said a little too quickly. I was a bit defensive but I didn’t want him to think those things about me. Or maybe I liked it too much that he did.

He kept going up the dirt road until he hit the top of the Quarry, to the ridge overlooking the town, and hung a sharp left towards the parking spot.

It wasn’t a formal parking lot or anything, but more of a clearing for quarry trucks back when it was in full operation. He pulled up, pointed the truck towards the view of the town, and cut the engine. We sat for a moment listening to the pops and pings of the engine cooling down as we took in the sweeping scenery of Oakville laid out beneath us.

The leaves had changed color and the trees were brilliant in the last rays of sun, just before it set in the west. It really was a beautiful location, you couldn’t even see the divide between the rich side and the poor side from up here.

“What did you want to be when you grew up?” Ryker asked me out of the blue. “When you were a kid, I mean.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I replied. I hadn’t thought about it for years. “I guess a ballerina or a scientist. Or a scientist ballerina.”

He laughed at my silly joke and I liked that. It made me feel funnier than I actually was.

“I could see that,” he said. “You’ve got the body for dancing, but your breasts are too full.”

“Maybe pole dancing then?” I laughed.

His look grew dark and he said, “I don’t like the thought of that, princess.”

“The thought of what?”

“Men around you, seeing you naked, making you perform. I don’t like seeing you forced into being the Tribute, either. I hate the way the guys stare at you when you have to shake your ass for them.”

“They don’t make me, I shake it because I know it riles them up.”

“But if you had the choice between being at home or out on a date, and shaking your ass for a bunch of uptight rich kids, what would you choose?” he asked.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic