Page 25 of Dirty King

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“You know the rules,” I lamented. “I don’t think I should have any more sex. What if they find out? What the hell does it mean, the one about sending me for an auction? They’re joking, right?”

The three of them looked at each other as if to wait until one of them spoke up about it.

“Uh, I don’t think so,” Archer said. His hand dropped and his libido receded with the topic. It was a distinctive change in energy. “We’ve all heard things, but I don’t know the details.”

“I know a few details,” Valen said. “My father’s business partner came home with two young women a couple of years ago. They were his live-in maids. That’s what he called them, but my mother hated it. She and my father fought about it all the time, and from what I overheard up, he bought them in some auction on Malta.”

“What the fuck?” I asked. “This is all known and nobody does anything about it?”

“It’s all rumors and speculation,” Kingston said, and held me close against him. His hard on was noticeably gone now, which was a good response to human trafficking, I supposed. At least they weren’t excited by the idea of owning a woman. Not like Reg or Rick or the fucking pigs at the Organization meeting. “Nobody our age knows exactly how it’s done. Nobody knows where it’s done. Hell, we can’t even be sure it’s not just a story about some rich white dude going to a poor country to pick up two girlfriends. I’m sorry, Evie, we just don’t know enough about it.”

“If we can, I’d like to find out,” I said, pondering my own survival, of course, but also wondering how many women and girls were being sold internationally every day. And also wondering if there was any way for me to stop it. Could I quell the tide of lust that perpetuated such a thing?

I was just one girl with no money and no power and possibly no freedom if I fucked this all up.

“I’d like to know, too,” Archer said, and Valen and Kingston agreed. They all nodded and talked about what they’d do to eradicate the men behind such vile activities. It was curious to me, that three guys who would never notice it normally had become so aware of the dark side in our world because of me. Loving me, wanting to protect me, and needing to care for me had opened their eyes to the toxic madness consuming so many around us.

If it wasn’t for me, would they have fallen prey to the temptation and joined the pack? Would my Kings have become part of the Organization if I hadn’t intervened?

They were going to save me with their love and support, but it seemed as if I was going to do the same for them. I would save their very souls from being dragged into the filth and twisted underbelly of their world.

But still, my own fear gripped my stomach and I needed a release. I needed to enjoy my freedom while I still had it, and I needed to remind myself that I was safe when I was with my Kings. I had to enjoy them when I had the chance.

“Enough of this,” I said. “I can’t let myself get consumed by something so overwhelming. I need to close my eyes and know that there is more good in the world than there is bad. More light than darkness. And more pleasure than sorrow. Call this a trauma response, but I need something to release me before I drive myself crazy with concern.”

With that declaration, I slid my hand along Kingston’s thighs and squeezed. His lips parted and his eyes widened with surprise at my touch. He reached around to cup my breasts in his hands as he kissed the back of my neck.

“And there it is again,” Archer said with a pained growl. “Obsessing over your perfect little cunt, my love.”

“And here it is,” I said playfully, pulling my knees apart to pull the dress up my legs. Valen and Archer both stared at the spot between my thighs, hoping for a glimpse of more, I was sure of it.

“Come on, give them a taste,” Kingston said, breathing heavily in my ear. “Let them see what they’ve missed.”

His hand dropped to the hem of my dress and he tugged the edge up, exposing me and my strip of black panties that peaked out from underneath.

“Oh fuck,” Valen said, and stepped forward. “I have to have you.”

His eyes flitted to Kingston’s for approval, and Kingston must have given it, because he dropped to his knees on the floor in front of me. Kingston moved his thighs apart, taking mine along, so Valen could get between them.

Archer joined him on the floor, sitting to the side so he could watch.

“Oh man, yes,” he said as Valen moved closer. Archer pulled the strip of panties to the side so his friend could work my soaking wet pussy with his mouth. “Taste her sweetness, it’s so hot.”

Valen began to lick me slowly at first, then with more force as he spread my lips apart. I gasped the moment he found my clit and slid his slick tongue across it.

“Good girl,” Kingston rumbled in my ear. “Let him taste you. Let him taste what’s mine.”

“You’re so beautiful,” Archer said, looking up at me, then back to where his friend’s hot mouth was making me squirm. “You’re ours, Everly. Ours to taste and worship.”

Kingston tensed up at his friend’s words, but he didn’t argue with him. In a sense I belonged to Kingston and the Kings. My first love was always going to be Kingston, and yet I was so attached to the Kings that they felt as if they were a part of me now.

Valen’s mouth sucked and licked my soaking wet slit until I finally came undone and dissolved against his face. Archer slipped a finger deep inside of me and twisted it slowly and deliberately as I let myself go and came hard.

My entire body bucked backwards and Kingston held me tightly in his arms to support me. He breathed heavily in my ear and wrapped his hand around my throat just to support me.

“That’s my girl,” he said in a deep, husky voice. “Come for me, come for the Kings. Show us how beautiful you are when you let yourself go.”

And like that, I did. I unraveled and expanded, I cried out as the pleasure grew large enough that it was uncontainable. I panted and twisted, but Valen, Archer, and Kingston held me in place and drove me harder until my body belonged to them. My pleasure was theirs to guide and push as I lost my mind to the overwhelming bliss.

I cried out again and fell into the final moments of my orgasm. I breathed heavily and moaned like a mewling animal until I finally let it go and came back to myself.

I relaxed and looked down to where the two guys were still tasting and touching me. They realized I was relaxing and finished, so Archer withdrew his fingers and Valen pulled back.

They were both so beautiful between my thighs, that for a moment, I forgot about Reg and the Organization and I was just Everly Hayes again.

Just for a moment.

And that was enough to carry through the rest of my day.

If only it had been enough to get me through the night.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic