Page 23 of Dirty King

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“Facts,” Cassie said and shot a death glare at Valen. “Nobody wants these losers, so have at them, piggy.”

“Piggy,” Tiffany barked, pleased to make her queen happy I could see.

I wanted to scream, they angered me so much. But when I was that mad, sometimes I couldn’t quite gather the words together to express how I felt. It was like I was a rabid hamster running on a squeaky wheel in my head, spinning and spinning with nothing to show for it other than a crazed look on my face and a short circuiting brain.

“Nice try, Cassie,” Valen said with a deep chuckle. “I have texts from you, even some from last night, begging me to fuck that nasty cunt again. But why on earth would I want stale old sour puss when I could have fresh, tight, hot Everly here?”

Cassie’s hands clenched at her sides and her face went bright red. Her lips pressed into a narrow line and she looked at him with such pure, hot anger that I thought she was going to burst a blood vessel. I wasn’t surprised when all she did was open her mouth and emit a scream of frustration, told him to fuck off, and turned around to stomp away to her table.

“One down, a few more to go,” Valen said with a lazy laugh. “What do you say, Archer, should we spill a few of the cheer team’s secrets?”

“I don’t know about that, Valen,” Archer said with a deep chuckle. “I can’t even remember half of their names, just the nasty shit they liked to do after a couple white claws on the weekends. It doesn’t take much to get these girls naked, and even less getting them to fuck anyone.”

“Or anything,” Kingston said, rejoining us. “I’ve seen it live, I’ve seen it online, hell, I’ve had most of them text it to me themselves. Sofia, you might not want to be cheer captain to most of these little whores if you knew the shit they sent me. They didn’t care that we were together, it was a game to them. To see who could lure me away from you.”

“Fuck you, that’s a lie!” one girl said and stood next to Sofia. “Don’t listen to them, Sof, they’re trash and all fucked in the head.”

“Nice cucumber, by the way, Ashley,” Valen said to her. “I can’t believe you fit that much inside, and I can’t believe you ate it afterwards.”

“What the fuck!” one of the athletes behind us exclaimed. “What the fuck are you girls up to!?”

“And how can I get into it!” another boy yelled and the whole table started to laugh.

Sofia’s eyes were filled with anger, but confusion joined it now that I wasn’t the only target of her anger. She realized she had more girls to hate than just me, and I had a feeling the next cheer practice was going to be a little different than the last one. How was she going to trust them to catch her when she tumbled off the top of the pyramid if she couldn’t even trust that they hadn’t tried to fuck her boyfriend?

“Nice work, boys,” I smiled and shook my head so my hair tumbled down my shoulders. “Now let’s eat lunch, slaying bitches makes me hungry. But no cucumber, please, I don’t want to puke.”

“You fucking bitch,” Sofia hissed as I walked past. “You don’t belong here and you never will.”

“And I never want to,” I replied with a sunny smile. “Now you go and have the day you deserve, sweetie.”

And with that, I strutted down to our table and almost broke into hysterical laughter the moment we sat down.

“Oh man, that felt good,” I laughed as we all took our spots. Kingston was next to me with Valen and Archer across. I hadn’t felt this good at school in so long, it was pretty addictive. I’d finally found my place.

Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic