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I ate the entire tray, saving the delectable honey for last. I'd never eaten a meal so good in my life, and I almost felt a pang of guilt for the runners eating stale bread and cold rations below me in the mountain depths. A lovely, pink-colored drink accompanied the meal, and I drained the crystal goblet of every last drop before placing the tray on the bench at the end of my bed.

I had my route memorized, my contact visualized in my mind's eye, and my body was adequately fueled for the journey ahead. The throbbing of my forearm had disappeared entirely, and my Chosen mark was freshly printed on my skin. I was ready. So ready.

Sleep came easy under the weight of luxury.


I’d never been sonervous in all my life.

My feet moved of their own accord, my steps feather-light and uneasy down the winding staircase leading to the only way out of this mountain, accessed through the queen’s throne room. I tossed and turned throughout the night, despite the comfort of my new bed, matching the motion of my stomach.

Five Chosen waited below. A large waterfall cascaded outside, concealing the mouth of the cavern. The falls formed a shallow pool at the base of the cave where each runner gathered before the rippling waters, their backs to me.

"You guys came to see me off? I have to admit, I'm touched." My voice echoed, competing weakly against the sounds of the flowing fall. They each turned at the sound of my voice.

The first thing I noticed was how young they were, barely a few years older than myself. Their faces were familiar. I was sure I had known them before they were called up. The young men greeted me with sleepy smiles, and I successively noticed how attractive they were. Their bodies were the typical runner mold—tall, lanky, and well defined. They each wore jogger pants with sleeveless shirts, showing off a gradient of skin tones and lean muscle.

I suddenly couldn't wait to come back home.

"Ready to run, sis?" Fenris turned around completely and spread his arms wide in a waiting embrace.

"Must we call her that?" One of them groaned, and my eyes locked with the man who had dark cropped hair and mossy eyes. "It seems…inappropriate."

"Call me whatever you'd like," I replied, cocking an eyebrow slightly in his direction. His smile grew wider with equally inappropriate suggestions.

Fenris's long arms wrapped around my waist, embracing me in a giant hug that warmed my bones and squeezed the air from my chest. "Stay away from Killian. Something's deeply wrong with that one," he warned in my ear.

"Oh, but there's so much that's right," I whispered in his.

Fenris stepped out of my arms and sighed disapprovingly. "Half our size, yet double the trouble. I knew our queen picked you for a reason."

"And I can't wait to find out the rest of those reasons," Killian chimed. I laughed, a little too forcefully, letting the lighthearted moment distract me from what was coming. My gaze fell behind Fenris to the water crashing into the dark pool. Everything I had ever wanted was right in front of me, so why was I so nervous?

Perhaps, deep down, I was worried it wasn't going to be as good as I thought it would be. Maybe the fantasy I built in my head was more satisfying than what I would actually experience. It was easy to not be afraid of the creatures in the dark when I was concealed safely in the mountain, but now all the stories I used to read about were coming true. The endless night was a living, breathing beast waiting for me beyond a thin veil of water.

Fenris gripped my shoulder and snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked, gave his concern a reassuring smile, and shrugged him off. "I'm fine, I promise. I've just been waiting to feel the wind and see the stars for a long time, and it's finally here."

His lips pressed tightly in a thin line, giving me a knowing look—of course, he understood. They all did. They knew the anticipation I felt, the fear and crippling apprehension cramping my stomach.

"Just have to go for it, little sister." The shortest of the group came forward, placing a heavy arm over my shoulder. "Run like it's the last time you'll ever run because it might be, but it’s okay. Dying isn't the worst thing that can happen to you."

"I told Loren the same thing, actually." I replied, still needing to strain my neck to look at him. "Thank you, that is strangely comforting."

"Let her go, guys." A tired voice spoke behind Killian. His gaze was rigid on me, the look on his face bored, as if it were an inconvenience to see me off. "Remember what the queen said. Don't get attached."

His words stung. Partially because it was from the queen, but also because it was true.

"Ah, don't listen to Alastair." Killian waved his comment away with a hand. "He's no fun."

"Unlike yourself?" I asked, grinning slightly.

"You catch on quick…sis." Killian grimaced and stuck out his tongue like he had just tasted something bitter. "Ugh, no, can't do it."

I shook my head and walked out from beneath the weight of his embrace. "You have until I return to think of something else. Until then, I have to run."

The group nodded in acknowledgment, but as I turned to leave, Fenris dug something from his pocket. "Oh! One more thing, Arya." He pulled out a handful of treats wrapped in colored paper. "Put these in your pocket. Should you get hurt, feel tired, or need an extra boost, just suck on one and you'll feel better in minutes."

Tags: Alexis L. Menard Fantasy