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God, had she done the right thing?

“We’re here.”


Paula blinked and looked out. Sure enough, they were outside her house. Paula hadn’t noticed that they had arrived. Michael was watching her curiously.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine.” Paula picked up her bag. “I shouldn’t need much. I don’t want to impose on you for too long.”

“Nonsense. A few days away should be enough. And we’re friends, aren’t we?” Michael smiled. “Friends always help each other.”

Paula didn’t know what to say to that. She fumbled with the door and got out, looking around nervously. She was hoping they could get in and out without anyone coming by. Hopefully, Marley and the other girls wouldn’t catch them.

She felt like a coward running away, but there were too many of them. Paula didn’t think she could withstand several of them ganging up on her. Especially when they were all meant to be her friends.


Paula jumped. Michael was standing beside her. He put a hand on her back.

“Shall we go in?”

“What? Oh, right.”

Paula managed to get her keys out, which Michael plucked from her fingers before she knew what was going on.

“Allow me. I’ll get this.”

She followed him numbly as Michael went up the path and unlocked the door, ushering her inside. He shut the door and locked it pretty quickly.

“Right. Let’s not take too long. Do you need me to help you with anything?”

“My work stuff is in my office. Could you put them in the laptop case that’s on top of the wardrobe in there?”

“Sure.” Michael followed her up the stairs. “What do you need? Laptop?”

“Yes. And my graphics tablet and stylus pen. They’re both pink.”

“Pink? Didn’t think that was your colour.”

Paula blushed, trying not to trip up the stairs as she reached the landing.

“If you could go into the bathroom and get my toiletries? The bag for them is on the window sill. I’ll get my clothes.”

“On it.”

Paula ducked into her bedroom, glad that she had tidied up before she left for the wedding. If Michael had come in here when things were a mess, that would have been embarrassing.

She grabbed her backpack from the corner of the room, and began to put her clothes into it. Just enough to last her a few days. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be for much longer. Just until things had died down a little bit. Charlie had said he would deal with the idiots for their actions, and Paula needed to clear her head.

It’s going to be a bit difficult to clear your head when you’re in the house of your crush. Good luck with that.

It didn’t take long to put her things into the backpack. Then Paula changed, putting on her jeans and a simple green t-shirt. It felt good to put on a bra that wasn’t the strapless thing she had been made to wear with her dress. Now she felt less self-conscious when Michael looked at her. Sure, she had not worn a bra while swimming, but the costume kept her breasts in check. They certainly didn’t sag in the costume.

Tying her hair into a ponytail, Paula took a look at herself in the mirror. Not too bad, but not great. She looked pale and wrung out. And she felt nervous in her own house. This was meant to be her safe space. Now it felt like it was under attack.

How was what her ‘friends’ doing fair? This wasn’t a matchmaking situation. And how did a guy not understand the word ‘no’? It was ridiculous how these grown-ups had genuinely no concept of consent.

Tags: Katharine O'Neill Romance