Page 34 of Saving Gavin

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At that moment, I know everything Lauren told me is true.

I wasn't some dirty little secret. I wasn't something hidden and not talked about. She could’ve told him I’d died and thought nothing of it. For him to see me and know who I am means everything.

I hold my hands out to him, and his little body steps into my arms. He hugs me tight.

"Daddy, why are you crying?"

I didn't even realize I was crying."Because I'm so happy to meet you." I let my hand find his face and start learning it.

"What are you doing?" he asks but doesn't move.

"Hey, buddy, do you remember what I told you daddy was doing? Why he couldn't be here?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah, he was fighting the bad guys overseas to protect us," Graham says.

"That's right. But unfortunately, he was hurt fighting for us and lost his eyesight."

"So, he can't see me?"

"No, I can't. Not like you can see me. But I can see you in a different way. I know how tall you are, and I can tell you have my nose and your mom's hair. I know your voice and even what you smell like," I tell him.

"How do you get around?" he asks innocently.

"See Gem here?" I reach down and pet her. "She’s my eyes and sees for me. Anywhere I need to go, she guides me. Your mom has been helping me learn the rest of it."

"Will you be coming home with us?" In his mind, home means living with him and Mom.

"We have some time to figure things out. Your dad has to stay here at Oakside until he gets better, but now you can come to visit," Lauren says.

"And if it's okay with your mom, you can call me every night before bed, and we can talk and get to know each other," I say.

"Really?" His little voice is hopeful.

"Of course," Lauren says.

Lauren and I have a lot to talk about, too, because there’s no way I'm disappearing from my son’s life. But that’s for another time.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance