Page 26 of Saving Gavin

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Chapter 12


Noahwalksinas I'm making myself a cup of coffee. The man has impeccable timing.

"You finally mastered it, so I guess the real test will be how it tastes." He pats my shoulder before sitting on the couch behind me.

"Well, that depends on how big of a mess I made in the process."

"Only a few grains of coffee. Hell, I make a bigger mess in the morning when I'm half asleep."

It’s such a small thing, but I'm learning that all the small things add up. Taking my small cup of coffee, I join him on the couch. It doesn't escape me that I wouldn't have been able to do this a few weeks ago. "You know, it's crazy how doing something so simple makes me feel good, especially with everything going on."

Noah is quiet for a minute, and I assume he's drinking his coffee before he finally speaks. "And what exactly is going on?"

I wonder what he knows. If his wife is friends with Lauren, they must talk. "Spending time with Lauren feels like more than friendship. It's easy to slip back into old habits with her and see the girl who was my best friend before she was more.”

"And is anything going to come of that?"

"That’s the big question, isn't it? Spending time with her is easy, especially when she lets her walls down. But the moment she realizes she's opened up, she puts them back in place. I get it. I hurt her, but I hope she can give me a chance because I want to make it up to her. With everything in me, I want to have more with her."

"Have you told her that?" Noah asks as if it's the simplest question in the world.

"Not exactly. I've tried, and she keeps telling me I'm her patient and puts the wall back up again."

Noah falls silent again, no doubt pondering my words. "You should tell her. Be open, honest, and upfront, so there are no mistakes, and you have no regrets later." He stands and sets his cup of coffee on the table. "I'll check in on you again. I know you guys are going out today, so use this as an opportunity to talk to her." And then he's gone.

I don't have to wait long before Lauren is at my door. "I thought we'd do something a little different today. I went and got you a swimsuit. It's solid blue, but I promise no funky patterns or anything. Get dressed and meet me in the lobby." She hands me a bag and closes the door behind her, leaving me no time to object to her plans.

If I'm being honest, I can't wait to see what she has planned for today. If it includes swimming, I'm all in. It’s been so long since I've been swimming. It used to be one of my favorite things to do.

Once I’m dressed, Gem and I head to the lobby to meet Lauren before going to her car.

When we’re on the road, I finally ask, "Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"Remember that lake we used to go to all the time? It was down the road, and we went there to read, but by the time we got there, we were too hot. So we went swimming instead."

"Yeah, that was one of my favorite things to do with you. Lying there, relaxing and reading."

"Mine too. That’s why we’re going swimming there today. Gem is going to have a blast."

For the rest of the drive, we take a trip down memory lane, talking about all the times we went there to read and relax, but we don't mention that the first time I kissed Lauren was under the tree at the lake. We had our first make-out session there too. And the first time our make-out session went a little too far was at that lake.

Some of our best memories are there, and I hope today will add to those. I could use some more good memories of us.

"After all these years, I'm still surprised no one else has found this place. It’s nice that we're here alone."

"I'm pretty sure this is some sort of private property, and one day we’ll end up getting in trouble for being here," I joke.

She laughs as we get out of the car, and Gem takes over guiding me. "I packed a lunch, so we can stay here and eat. I’ve planned to do some swimming, and we can spend the day relaxing. You've been working hard and deserve an off day to have fun. Also, this is the last time I'll see you before I head out to Arizona, so I want to unwind too."

Her words remind me she's going away this weekend. I know it's only to her parents, but the whole thing makes me nervous. Is she going to tell them I'm here? I can only imagine what they'll try to put into her mind when they find out. Will everything be changed when she gets back?

"I can see the wheels spinning in your head, Gavin. I promise to call you every day, and we can talk. You've got this, and I'll be back before you know it." Changing the subject, she asks, “Do you want to eat first and then go swimming or go swimming and then eat?"

"Let's eat first. I'm starving."

Once we sit down on the blanket Lauren has set out, I let Gem go and run and play. She deserves a break, too, and loves being out here. After she’s run around and tired herself out, she sits beside me, panting.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance