Page 16 of Saving Gavin

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Chapter 7


IloverunningOakside, knowing I'm helping these men and women. I couldn't imagine a better use for this old plantation home. When I lived here, it was too big. It was easy to lose myself in it, and no matter how much I tried to fix it up, it didn't feel like home.

Now I live next door, and this house has a purpose of helping soldiers in need. It's never felt more like a home. I’m still a part of its life, and it's a huge part of mine, as I always knew it would be.

For the last week, Gavin has kept me company as we walk out to the garden each day. My doctor has suggested I stay active, and Noah has been forcing doctor’s orders on me. It’s like if we do one thing wrong, the baby will turn into an alien and be taken away.

I get it, though. After his accident, Noah didn't think he'd be able to have sex again, much less kids. I’ll never forget the look on his face the day I told him about the baby. I'd seen that man struggle and fight, but I'd never seen him break down like that. So, if he has a few silly requests, I'm going to honor them.

Okay, maybe it's my crazy hormones imagining the baby turning into an alien, but still. Daily walks are a must, and Lauren wants Gavin to get out of his room and around the property more. As we talk, we keep topics light. He likes me describing the garden or the different things we see. He always asks what the sky looks like and if it’s blue or cloudy.

He tries to match sounds and smells, and he's getting good at it. We take a different route around the garden each day so he gets fresh scents. Otherwise, he's getting around on his own much better than a week ago.

His Seeing Eye dog, Gem, has been coming with us the past few days, and they’re learning how to work with each other. It's great to see how attentive Gem is and how Gavin is learning to trust and rely on her more.

Having Gem around allows us to talk about her and his training as a way to fill the silence. It's an unspoken rule that we don't talk about Lauren. He doesn't ask, and I don't volunteer anything, even though I want to talk to him about her. Noah swears there’s something there and is convinced Gavin still has feelings for Lauren.

While Lauren hasn't outright said it, I know she still has feelings for Gavin. The way she reacted when she found out he was here proved it. Gavin doesn't know about Graham, so we have to be careful because it’s not our secret to tell. When she’s ready, Lauren will tell him. But I agree with her that Gavin sure as hell isn't ready for that kind of information, as much as I hate the idea of keeping it from him.

But I want him to try, and I want her to try. I want the happily ever after, one happy family for them. Noah wants me to stay out of it, and I know I should, but Paisley thinks a few small pushes can't hurt them, and I agree. I don't have to tell Noah until after they are back together, right?

"What was Lauren like when you knew her?" I ask Gavin as we enter the garden.

A huge smile covers his face, and I know I'm on the right track. It also proves I'm right. Whatever is between them is larger than life, and they deserve to figure it out, even if it means a little push now and then.

"She was so full of life. I wasn't anyone's first pick for her, but if anyone tried to say anything, she went toe to toe with them to defend me, even though it was my job to defend her. She knew how to read me and forced me out of my comfort zone when I needed it most. We spent many perfect days lying under a tree by the lake reading. I've never felt more comfortable around someone as I did her."

I smile because that’s how all military men think, even before they join. It's their duty to protect their woman at all costs. It's what makes them highly desirable to people like Noah's ex, Whitney.

That dumb bitch.

Sadly, it's also why many of them get used, which is exactly what Whitney did. When Noah got hurt and needed her, she showed her true colors, and I was more than happy to take her down a few pegs. I smile and rub my belly, thinking of that day.

Focus, Lexi. You have a plan here.

"How did you two meet?"

"Nothing romantic. I was the kid from the wrong side of the tracks. When I was in middle school, they placed me in a foster home in town. Even though I always ate lunch alone, I didn't think anything of it. One day she sat beside me and said we were going to be friends. Even if we didn't say a single word to each other, she faithfully ate with me every day. She became my best friend, and once we hit high school, it progressed to something more."

He seems lost in the memories as we walk, and I let him take his trip down memory lane. It's good to see the ghost of a smile on his face.

"What's the sky look like today?"

He changes the subject, and I let him return to our safe subjects as we walk near the waterfall in the garden. When we head inside, his nurse, Kaitlyn, makes sure he gets back to his room. I take a shift at the front desk because it’s the best way to see what’s going on, and I can sit down.

It’s pleasant sitting here, and I like seeing how patients interact with the visitors in the lobby. It can tell a lot about where their head is. I also like to see which ones take advantage of the back porch or the library. Best of all, it allows me to see the staff come and go.

So, when Lauren comes in, I stop her."Hey, girl. Can you come see me before you leave? I want to chat."

"Of course. Everything okay?"

"Yep, just girl things."

She nods and heads into Gavin’s room. They come out and go for their usual walk, but I notice he's leaning on her a bit more. He's pretending he still can't get to the front door on his own and doesn't know his way around.

In order to see more, I head to the front porch and watch them go into the garden. He acts like he doesn't know the way, and even Gem looks at him like the man has lost his mind.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance