Page 36 of Monstrous Lies

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Not like my beautiful Aria.

Pity fills me, because I know what is going to happen. Despite the fear I can taste in the air, I cannot save her. She came through the wall of her own volition. She should have known better.

“We have to do something!” Aria begs, looking up at me.

“If I do, they will kill me,” I murmur honestly. “I would break every law we hold—crossing into another’s territory without prior warning, protecting a human… I am an excellent warrior, Aria, but I cannot take them all and protect you. I would die. If you ask me to intervene, however, I will. It is your choice.”

She baulks at that, looking back at the woman, who is innocently walking right into the trap of the tribe.

“I need to know now,” I urge. “Aria.” I turn her to face me. “What do you want me to do?”

“Will they kill her?” she finally asks.

“I don’t know,” I reply. “She’s a female, so maybe not, but that tribe hates humans, so they might just out of spite.”

Her eyes dart back to the human, who has stopped, as if realising something is wrong. She frantically scans the moving shadows as the tribe closes in on her.

“I’m not your enemy, please!” she calls, her voice scared. “I had nowhere else to go. My people, they were going to kill me for what I know—what I know about you!”

I blink in astonishment, staring down at her. It could be a bluff, a lie. How would she know anything? “Now, Aria,” I demand. “Your answer.”

Gnawing on her lip, she glances between us before she closes her eyes, her shoulders sagging in defeat. “No, you stay with me.”

I blink in astonishment. She chose me.

She chose a monster over her own race.

I see the moment the other tribe grabs the human, and just as quickly as they appeared, they are gone, back into the shadows, taking her with them.

“Where are you going?” I question, still riding the high of her choice.

“After them,” she calls, grabbing her stuff as she heads to the door.

“Like hell you are!” I roar, grabbing her. “You made your choice, Aria. Now it is up to her to survive. She made her own decision as well. She knew the dangers.”

Her eyes close as she leans into me. “So why do I feel responsible?”

“Because you have a kind heart and you want to save everyone, even if it kills you. But you cannot, Aria, I will not allow it. I will not allow you to die, do you hear me?” She nods slowly, so I throw her over my shoulder again before she starts to fight me, and she will.

It’s in her nature.

I swiftly climb back down the building, and with her over my shoulder, I begin to run. I sprint through the city as quickly as possible, and when I reach our tribe quarters, I take the stairs in one big leap, landing at the bottom as she begins to wriggle to get free.

Gently spanking her, I proceed inside, greeting my warriors and soldiers casually, despite her screaming at me and kicking to get free. Their eyes widen, going from her to me, before their lips curl. I grin back at them before heading to my room. Once there, I toss her into my nest and block the door, anticipating her next move.

She springs from the nest and rushes me. I gently turn her and spank her with my tail. She spins, her eyes alight and chest heaving. She has never looked so beautiful, and my cock hardens further. My whole being vibrates with the need to mate my human. She’s none the wiser.

“Let me go!” she demands.

“So you can get killed? No,” I retort. “Now go lie down like a good girl.”

“Do not patronise me, Red!” she shouts, rushing me again. She manages to duck under my arm, but I grab her and hold her to my chest. Lifting her into the air, I carry her over to the nest and throw her down, this time pinning her in place. I slide one leg between hers and curl my tail around her wrists between us. My hands are propped on either side of her head as I hold her gaze.

“You are mine, little human. Do not forget that. I am not letting you run out there and get yourself killed. It doesn’t matter how capable you are, it is not happening. If I have to tie you down to my nest, or even to myself, I will. Do not defy me in this,” I warn, growling possessively as I tighten my grip on her hands to let her feel my strength while trying to ignore the desire pounding through me.

Her eyes flare before simmering, desire pooling in those bright depths. I smell the musk of her arousal filling the air. I try to resist, to not take from her when she is not ready, but when she licks her lips and rolls into my leg, I cannot refrain.

Lowering my head, I blow my warm breath across her parted lips. “I can taste your need,” I rumble so low that it vibrates my body.

Tags: K.A Knight Paranormal