Page 33 of Monstrous Lies

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I must pale, because he comes over and crouches before me, searching my eyes. “Do you trust me, Aria?”

“Yes,” I whisper without hesitation, even shocking myself.

“I will not let any of them hurt you. They know they have to get through me to get to you. Shh, I see your panic. I could kill them all if I need to. No one will touch you.”

“I was more worried about you getting hurt for me.” I sigh, and he blinks slowly. “But if you think so, let’s go.”

He takes my hand, helping me to my feet, and I expect him to let go, but he holds it tight as he leads me from the room. There’s a new guard outside, not the one I cursed at last night. Akuji nods at him and leads me deeper, past the throne room. It’s dark, but when we head through a maintenance tunnel and out into what they have made into a canteen, I gawk.

There are hundreds of big red monsters milling around, talking, laughing, eating, and cooking.

The room itself has high ceilings, and it looks like dirty glass windows lead to the city above. There’s an old escalator to the right, broken and no longer in use, with flowers and vines crawling across it just like the cracked cement walls. Metal tables and chairs are dotted everywhere. A food station is positioned at the top left, with a line before it. There are old street signs and unused neon signs placed haphazardly around the room, with string lights crisscrossing the ceiling, giving everything a warm glow.

Every single person stops and turns to us, watching. I refuse to hide, though, knowing it will be seen as a sign of weakness. I tilt my head back and stand next to Akuji and meet their eyes. When I glance at Red, I find him grinning proudly at me as he leads me into their masses. When we sit at a table in the middle, the noise starts up again, softer than before. They are still watching us, some in confusion, some in anger, and some in wonder like they have never seen a human. It’s disconcerting, but I refuse to be cowed, especially with Red at my side.

There’s a grunt, and the monster from last night sits before me with a tray. He nods at Akuji and me, and then starts to tear into his raw meat. “Stay here, Aria, and I will get us some food.” Akuji kisses my hand before standing, and as soon as he is gone, I’m acutely aware how at risk I am. My back is ramrod straight as I swallow, searching for a weapon.

The monster opposite watches me, his black eyes narrowed as he reaches for something with his blood-covered hands. I flinch, but he flips a blade from somewhere, catches it mid-air, and hands it to me handle first. I blink as I accept it. “A warrior always needs a weapon.” He shrugs and continues eating, wiping his mouth with his arm. “My name is Roroak.”

“Aria.” I smirk. “Nice to meet you. Sorry about last night.”

“No you’re not.” He laughs. I know the others are listening and whispering, but I ignore them.

“Not really.” I shrug. “I don’t take orders well.”

“I can see that. You are a strange human.” He sits back, sipping something in a cracked glass. His whole meal was gone in seconds.

“You’ve met many?” I ask curiously.

“Some. I am a warrior, after all.” I nod in understanding. “But none like you. You do not fear us nor hate us enough to…” He trails off, his eyes flashing red for a moment before they close. “To hurt us,” he finishes in a whisper, and understanding floods me. Humans hurt him somehow, but I don’t ask. It’s not my business unless he wants to share. I’m surprised he can even tolerate me, but I see the loving, brotherly look he flicks Akuji’s way and nod in understanding.

He’s doing it for his friend, his brother. It takes a special kind of strength to overcome such prejudice and hate, and it’s clear he’s trying.

For some reason, that means something, and I refuse to give him another reason to hate us again.

“Oh, I fear you, I would be dumb not to. I just think it’s stupid to fear death when it can come at any second. Plus, I’m used to being surrounded by enemies,” I admit.

“Your people?” he asks with a furrowed brow.

“I’m not exactly normal there either.” I grin, and it makes him smile as Akuji sits down, sliding a tray towards me.

“They made it especially for you. If you don’t like anything, let me know,” he informs me. His own plate is heaped with a whole carcass of something, and it’s dripping blood. I swallow my bile and meet Roroak’s eyes. He grins widely, flashing fang.

“Humans don’t like meat?” he asks.

“Oh, we like meat. We just, erm, don’t like it still alive and bloody.”

“I can assure you it’s dead,” Akuji says with confusion.

I laugh, knowing they don’t understand. The sound makes him smile, and Roroak watches us, his eyes flicking between us before he nods like he has come to some sort of conclusion, but I don’t know what.

“You have no tail, claws, or fangs. How do you protect yourself?” he asks, making Akuji snarl. People duck and hide, scurrying away, but not Roroak. He seems unbothered by his leader and friend.

“With blades or guns.” I grin. “They work just as well.”

“Vicious.” He grins and looks at Akuji. “I like her.”

That seems to shock Akuji, who sits back as his friend nods at me and then leaves. Smiling slightly, I start to pick at my food, ignoring the raw meat on my plate. He notices, of course—he notices everything. “You…cook your meat?”

Tags: K.A Knight Paranormal