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Chapter Sixteen


It seems there is a truce between my new stepbrothers and me. Cyrus continues to silently hate me and stops talking when I come into the room, but he doesn’t threaten me anymore, nor does he avoid me like the plague. I see them at parties, draped with girls and selling drugs. They really are the kings of this city, their names whispered in reverence.

Even though I live with them, I barely see them at home. They are out all night and sleep most of the morning. By the time I’m finished getting ready for work or to go out, they still haven’t emerged. It’s kind of lonely, but I have Faye to keep me entertained, and work is better than ever. I’ve been given more stage time, and at this rate, I’ll have enough money to leave in a few months.

Something about the Crew brothers still intrigues me though. Like a moth to a flame, I can’t help but be drawn to them, to push Cyrus’s buttons, to flirt with Bray, and to watch Asher work. I know I shouldn’t, I have my rules about keeping people at a distance for a reason, including Faye. She’s gotten closer than anyone, but even she won’t get past that final layer of armour I keep around myself.

Lexi and Allegra have also wormed their way into my life. We hang out after work and have girls’ nights. I help Lexi with her dancing, and she helps me with my singing. I let them get close, too close probably, but I can’t help it. We have a bond, a shared one from working together.

This city is dangerous, not for the drugs, violence, gangs, or fast cars, but for the people. The ones trying to get close. What if they hurt me? What if I hurt them? Like the last people... no. Don’t fucking go there.

Sighing, I turn from the mirror in the dressing room and grab my jacket, slipping it on. I don’t know what my plans are for tonight. I was supposed to meet Faye, but she bailed for a date. Looks like I’m on my own. I could try to earn some extra money with some races, or maybe I’ll hit up a party. The idea of spending the night alone in a silent mansion doesn’t appeal to me, with Meredith being in Paris with Money Bags.

Party it is.

Grabbing my bag, I wish the girls goodnight and decide to head through the front of the club to avoid the massive puddles out back so they don’t ruin my boots. But when I get into the darkened front area, the music pulsing... I see them.

Fuck, how did I not see them when I was performing? They’ve been to a few more shows now, always watching from the back and tipping well, and I still don’t know why. To keep an eye on me? To let me know they can get to me? Or simply because they like to watch me dance?

Rolling my eyes, I storm to their table. “At least you’re paying to see me undress, unlike when you break into my bedroom.” I grin as I wink at Bray.

“I can’t help myself, hot stuff, your bed is just so comfy,” he flirts and runs his eyes down me. “You were looking extra fuckable tonight.”

“How do you get girls? Do they have to gag you?” I retort, making Asher laugh, and even Cyrus cracks a small grin, though when I notice, he loses it and glares at me like he would rather be anywhere else but here.

“Baby, you could gag me anytime, or tie me up. I’m up for any of the kinky shit you have in that dirty little brain.”

Ignoring him and the traitorous pulse of my pussy, I look them over. “Why are you here?”

“No parties tonight, we’re bored,” Bray answers. “Plus, I needed new material of you for my spank bank.”

Again, I ignore him and look to Asher who smiles sweetly. “Lying low tonight. We’re going to go home and have some drinks instead. We were—” Cyrus smacks him and he winces. “I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Get to know us a bit? Seeing as you’re living with us.”

“Get to know me all night long,” Bray teases, and again, I ignore him like a badly behaving dog who won’t get a reward.

“Sure.” I shrug. It’s not like I was doing anything else, but my heart races at the idea of spending the night alone with the Crew brothers. My inner whore loves it. It’s going to be a fun night, but I don’t think they realise just what they are getting themselves into. Looking over at Bray, unable to help myself, I lean down and lick his ear. “Baby,” I purr, “you can’t handle me all night.” I stand and tell them, “I don’t need a ride, tip your waitress. I’ll meet you back home.” I leave them staring after me, their eyes locked on my ass.

Tonight, I’m going to test my new stepbrothers because I can’t stand the fact that I’m attracted to all three of them. If I have to suffer and be in misery with my desire, so do they.

Game on, brothers.

* * *

I barely beat them back. I throw my jacket and bag into my room and kick off my boots, but I don’t bother changing from my ripped blue shorts and white crop top. I look damn fucking good. My hair is curled, my eyes are lined and smoky, and my lips are painted red.

“Get the drinks going,” I order when they walk in.

“Downstairs, have you been yet?” Asher asks.

I shake my head. It’s not a lie. Technically, I’ve seen it, but I’ve never hung in their party basement.

He smirks. “Follow me.”

I do as I’m told. Bray follows me the whole way, almost touching my ass with each step as we head down the stairs and into the den. The LED lights are on, the pool table is ready, and when he calls out, the music starts pumping through the room. The low ceiling is filled with crossing bars, and there is a new pole for dancing in the corner. Cyrus heads straight to the fridge at the bar and throws some cans at us. I catch one mid-air, and Bray smirks as he takes his and hops onto a stool.

“How about we get started early? Shotgun?” he offers.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic