Page 174 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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Staring out at the incredible view before me, I know I got lucky.

If you’re not careful, this world can suck the life right out of you. It can be a dark and lonely place, but for me? It’s not anymore. I still have my demons, but now the sun soaks into my skin, warming me. I have three men I love more than life itself. I have a family, friends, and a bright future to look forward to. I’m never alone, and I’m excited for what is to come.

I know it won’t be perfect, no one’s life is. We will fight, I’ll cry, they’ll cry, and I’ll probably call them assholes, but standing on this mountain, watching the sparkling lights of the sky, I know I’ve come a long way from the woman who used drugs, sex, and alcohol to try to forget her past. She was running so fast she almost left the best thing that had ever happened to her.



I hated those three royal bastard kings so much, hated everything about them, and now I know it’s because they were everything I wasn’t.

Happy, rich, together. Now I’m one of them; I am their queen.

Their love.

I’ll never want for anything again, but it’s more than that. It’s the dedicated, crazy, wild bond we share—one forged through blood and pain. We share the same scars, and we share the same fears and hopes. Some say we are too young to know this is real, but I know it is. This is a forever kind of love, one that can withstand anything. We will be judged for it, but I don’t give a fuck. I’ve been judged all my life, so let them look and comment. Those who envy us the most are the ones who, deep down, are so unhappy with their own lives they look to tear others apart.

And I refuse to let them ruin this, or me. Now that I know my own capability for self-destruction, I can monitor this because I love them and I don’t ever want to hurt them again. I’ve felt what it was like to lose them, not ever again.

They are my forever, my crew.

My family.

Blood in, blood out.

There is still so much to see and do in this world, and I can’t wait to do it by their side. We’ve lost so much, all of us, but it led us here.

They are busy working on our clubhouse, as they have deemed it, as well as expanding their business. Me? I’m still dancing at the club, but I also got offered a side hustle. It seems my dancing abilities didn’t go unnoticed. One night, the very same night of the attack at the club, there was a scout. I’m now working freelance in music videos and performances, and I’ve never been so in love with my passion before. Seeing others like me, inspiring people, and expanding my skills... it feels like a daydream. I went from a lowly street kid to a dance performer for millions to see. It just proves that when you believe in yourself, you truly can do anything. And along the way, you might just find someone to come along for the ride.

“Are you ready, baby girl?” Cyrus calls. Turning away from the view and my own thoughts, I find them waiting for me. We’ve been on a ride all day. I’ve been riding my new bike they built and painted for me. Cyrus is sitting on his, his visor up and leather jacket zipped. Asher is next to him, his bright, paint splattered jacket making me grin. Bray winks as he ties back his hair.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I call, and with one last look at the view, I head to my bike, straddle it, and grab my helmet. “Where to?”

“Wherever you want.” Asher grins.

“I’ll race you,” I tease.

“What do we get?” Bray asks excitedly.

I run my eyes over all three of them, a shit-eating grin tipping up my lips. “Me.”

“Oh, Darling, we already have you.”

They aren’t wrong.

I’m theirs, wholly, fully.

Crew’s queen.

My stepbrothers’ darling.

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