Page 168 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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“I’m yours,” I say proudly. “I’m Crew.”

It seems to be what they all wanted to hear. Suddenly, I’m thrown back to the bed, and then sets of hands and mouths caress my body. I can’t even see who is touching where, but it doesn’t matter as pleasure pounds through me, stealing my breath.

Someone’s tongue drags down my pussy to my ass, circling, tasting, and licking. A mouth locks on my nipple and sucks roughly. A set of lips kisses every inch of skin. Hands touch every part of my body until I’m moaning loudly, desperate to come. I’m unable to think of anything beyond my desire.

And then it happens.

Expert fingers push into me, knowing exactly where to touch. They stroke me with hard, quick thrusts as a mouth locks onto my clit, and one fastens on each nipple. I feel like electricity is flowing through me, until suddenly, it sparks.

And sets alight.

I scream my release, scream their name for everyone to hear.


It only takes the edge off though. I need more. I need them all inside me. So I sit up and push the closest one away, controlled by my desire for them. Asher falls back, and I climb on top of him, swinging my leg over his hips so I’m poised above his hard cock, and before he can speak, I lower myself onto him. We both groan as I lift and drop again, working him in an inch at a time until he’s in to the hilt. Leaning forward, I brace my hands on his chest, watching the tattoo as I start to roll my hips. I move slowly at first, feeling his huge cock sliding inside me before I start to bounce on his dick.

His hands go to my hips, helping me, and I see Bray move to the side to watch, so I lean back and roll my body, putting on a show, my tits bouncing as I ride his brother’s cock. Bray licks his lips, stroking his cock, and I can’t help but reach out and take over, pumping his length as he groans.

A big, warm hand presses against my back, pushing me down until my chest meets Asher’s. He groans and holds me still as the warm hand drags down my spine to my ass.


I feel his breath blowing against my overheated skin. “Tonight, you get all of us. Every” —lick— “hard” —lick— “inch,” he promises. Abruptly, Asher’s cock is gone, and I feel Cyrus’s big one replace it. In one hard thrust, he fills me, stretches me as I writhe. He fucks me hard and fast for a few strokes before pulling out.

“Good girl, make my dick drip with your cream so it fits in that tight little ass,” he murmurs, spanking my ass cheeks.

My eyes go to Bray, and when I lick my lips, he groans. “Cy, hurry up. She’s looking at me like she wants to eat me alive.”

“Then let her.” He laughs, even as I hear him spit. It hits my ass, and a moment later, two fingers play with my hole before pushing past my stinging ring of muscles with a pop as they work into me, stretching me. I can’t help but moan, the filthy feeling of it only making it that much better.

“So fucking tight. I can’t wait to see my dick buried here while you fuck them,” Cyrus growls as he twists his fingers inside me before pulling them away, and then his dick is there. I barely breathe or move as he slowly pushes into my ass.

He works in every hard inch with tiny little thrusts. It takes a while, since he’s so big, and I get tired of waiting, so I push back, impaling myself on his cock with a groan.

“Shit, baby girl,” he rasps, gripping my hips as he starts to move before suddenly stopping again. “Ash, get inside her. With the way she’s gripping my dick, I won’t last long.”

Knowing I can unravel Cyrus makes me giddy as Asher slides me back onto his cock. This time, though, it’s a tight squeeze with Cyrus in my ass. Both of them stretch me so much it borders on painful, but when they start to move, the burning pain fades to utter bliss.

I feel so much pleasure I’m choking on it.

I blindly reach out and guide Bray to me. “Need you,” I whimper, and then his wet dick is rubbing my lips. I open automatically, swallowing him down as he groans.

My every hole is filled with them as our slick bodies move together. Cyrus sets a hard pace, fucking me farther onto Bray’s and Asher’s cocks until all I can do is take it.

The pleasure flows through us, from one body to the next. There are no more words from me, but it seems Cyrus can’t stop.

“Fuck, baby girl. You feel so good. You should see what I can.” He grunts. “Your raw pussy is squirting around Ash’s cock, and this ass?” His hand comes down in quick succession in a hard spank. The sharp sting is rubbed away by his big hand, and it turns into a low burn which only adds to all the sensations until it’s too much.

“So fucking perfect,” Asher murmurs beneath me.

“And she’s all ours,” Bray growls. “I don’t know if I love her or her mouth more.”

I whimper around his cock, unable to speak. My release builds like a tidal wave, starting at my toes and rolling through my entire body.

“She’s so close. I can feel it.” Cyrus groans, hammering into me.

I force my eyes open and see Bray on his knees before me, his head thrown back and chest heaving as he feeds me his dick.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic