Page 167 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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“Stop teasing them,” he murmurs against my skin.

“Never,” I vow, gripping his huge thighs and digging my nails in as he groans.

“Then let’s do the same to her,” Cyrus flirts, and there’s an unspoken moment as everyone moves closer, their eyes dark and hungry, their lips tilted in a sinister, yet, sexy as fuck smile.

Like predators coming to eat their prey.

I really hope they fucking do.

I feel nothing but powerful as their hungry eyes devour every inch of exposed skin. I’m wet and naked, yet I’m not vulnerable. I never am with them. They are my strength. I needed walls before them, and now they are my walls.

“Darling,” Bray coos, staring at me with his head tilted. “Be a good girl and sit back.”

Smiling, I do as I’m told, watching them as they move until they touch me.

Asher’s mouth descends on my left breast, licking, sucking, and biting before he switches to the other one. I’m dripping simply from their kisses and Asher’s mouth. He pulls back, pushing my breasts together, and licks them both, turning his head to switch nipples. Then I feel Bray. His hands slide up my legs so softly, so possessively. They push open my thighs, and then his mouth follows the same path his hand did before his warm breath blows across my quivering pussy.

My eyes want to close, but I refuse, needing to watch as Bray’s head descends. His tongue drags down my core and back to my clit, lashing it. I cry out, jumping in their arms. It only encourages them. Bray’s teeth catch my clit then soothes it with his tongue, again and again, before dipping it inside me to get more of my cream.

It should feel wrong, watching them work together to make me come, to make me feel good... but it doesn’t. It feels right, so fucking right. Like I’m finally where I was always supposed to be.

I kissed a whole lot of princes before I found my kings.

But still, I know what others would say if they saw us. I know what they would think. Cyrus must feel me stiffen.

“What?” he murmurs against my skin.

“Just thinking of what others” —gasp— “would think,” I murmur, grinding my pussy against Bray’s talented tongue. “They would think it is so wrong.” I laugh, but it’s true.

“Who cares if people think this is wrong? If they think it’s forbidden or taboo? All that matters is that we are happy. Are you happy, baby girl?” he demands, gripping my chin and forcing me to look at his brothers worshipping me with love in their eyes.

“Yes,” I whisper, my answer ending on a moan as Bray nips my clit. “Yes, I’m happy.”

“You’ve never cared about what anyone thought, it’s one of the reasons we love you so fucking much, so don’t start now. What we have is real, so fucking real and amazing, I wouldn’t give it up for anything. Let them talk, let them judge, let them whisper. The kings of this city have finally found their queen, and we are never letting you go. I don’t care how messed up and dirty it makes us. You are ours.”

“That makes you mine then,” I reply, resting my head back on his shoulder.

“Always,” he vows as Asher bites my nipple, no doubt leaving teeth marks, and Bray finally thrusts his teasing fingers inside my dripping hole.

He’s right. My happiness doesn’t depend on anyone’s opinions. They’re not the ones who have to live this life. Everyone has secrets behind closed doors, little fantasies they would never let anyone know about, or a dirty stolen moment. I’m just choosing to display mine and live my desires instead of being afraid of them.

With them, Crew.

My stepbrothers.

Fuck what anyone else thinks. This is love in all its raw, unfiltered glory, and I’m not letting it go no matter how many side-eyed dirty looks we get, no matter how many rumours and whispers go around about us. They are mine.

My darkest desires, my reckless heart’s wishes, and my fucked up brain’s comfort.

Fighting yourself because you don’t want to stand out and denying what you truly want since it’s different only leads to your own unhappiness, not anyone else’s. As long as you can live with yourself, as long as you can look back on your life and say that you were truly happy, that you did everything you wanted to and lived with no regrets, then who cares? Will it matter a month from now? A year? Two? Twenty? No, people will forget, but we will still be us.

Let them judge. Those who are most envious lash out in jealousy.

“Say it,” Cyrus murmurs.

“What?” I ask in confusion, lost in my own hazy, desire filled thoughts.

“Say you are ours.”

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic