Page 169 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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Like he feels my gaze, he lifts his eyes and locks them on mine before he pulls back slightly. I gulp greedily, my saliva dripping down my chin before I lick and suck his tip, running my teeth down his length until he growls. He fists my hair, forcing my mouth open, and slams back down my throat.

When my gaze connects with the tattoo again, I finally fall over the edge. I come so hard I actually black out, their roars of pleasure sounding as I choke on Bray’s cum, Cyrus’s fills my ass, Asher’s overflows my pussy.

When I can finally see again, we are a sweaty tangle of limbs and covered in cum, but I am completely sated in a way I never have been before. I always wanted more. Faster cars. Harder drugs. Better sex. Now I have it and I’m... content.

“I love you all,” I whisper as I fall back to sleep surrounded by their sleepy admissions of love.

I wake up sometime later and head to the bathroom to clean up. I’m sore, but in the best way. When I finish, I climb back into bed between Bray and Asher who are snoring, but I can’t sleep. I stare at them, drinking in their faces and wondering how I got so fucking lucky.

I don’t care what they drive, how much they make, or what they wear, I fell for their hearts. I fell for the men who could keep up, who could challenge me and did, who brought me back to life. I make a promise to myself as I stare at them that I’ll always do the same for them.

I hear a shuffle and Cyrus sneaks back in with a glass of water and hands it to me. “I heard you wake and thought you might need this, baby girl,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss me. I can’t help but melt as I sip it, staring at his handsome face. How could I ever think he was anything but perfect? He’s spent so long protecting his brothers and his family, and now I’m here to help, and I can see the burden starting to lift from his shoulders.

“I love you,” I say, and a wide smile crosses his lips, making my heart pound as he reaches out for me in the dark.

Once, I was afraid of the night and barely able to sleep surrounded by shadows, but now I thrive in them.

Cyrus takes me by the hand, helps me from the bed, and puts the glass down. “Come with me,” he whispers.

Uncaring about my nudity, I follow after him. He leads me through the silent apartment and down some stairs I didn’t notice before. He carries me up another set then, and at the top is a partially open door, which he nudges open. Once inside, I gasp.

We are at the top of the house in the circular structure I saw on my first day. There’s a bookcase to the left, sofas to the right, and a huge telescope in the middle with rugs and pillows. The whole ceiling is glass, showcasing the sparkling stars.

“My mother built this,” he murmurs as he sets me on my feet and wanders in. “She loved the stars.” He touches the telescope. “I want this to be your happy place too. If you ever need to get away from us, you can come here. We don’t come up here... but she would have loved you before she became a cunt.”

“It’s amazing,” I tell him. “I love it.”

“Good.” He pulls me close, wrapping his arms around me as we look up at the stars. “No matter what happens, Blair, remember the stars always come out, the sun always rises, and the world keeps turning. That’s what she used to tell me. You will never be alone again. Wherever you want to go in this world, we will follow. You are our life now.” Turning me, he cups my chin and raises it. “I will protect you until the day I die, and I will love you even longer, in this life and the next. It’s time to start our forever.”

“Together,” I whisper, kissing him under the stars.

And just like that, I know we are going to be okay.

Better than okay.

We are going to be amazing.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic