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“My specialty, you’ve got it. Faye is just getting more sauce,” he informs me as he pulls his head back into the kitchen. I hop over the counter and crank up the music before pouring myself a coke. When I turn, there’s an old man waiting there with his mug.

“I’m thinking it’s decaf, cutie?” I ask, and he grins as he hands it over.

I refill his mug and pass it to him, and he wanders away as I leap back over just as the side door opens and Faye comes out. She rolls her eyes and grins as she sets the box of sauces down behind the counter. “What have I said about coming back here?”

“Do it?” I reply sweetly as I sip my coke. I turn and cheers the old man with it before winking at Faye. “I think I’ve got a chance with him. Do you reckon his balls are down to his knees?” I whisper.

“Ew, what the fuck, Blair?” she whisper hisses, making me laugh as I swivel back to her. “If you want something good to look at, there are three hotties in the corner booth. I swear I didn’t know they made men our age that looked like that—don’t look now!” she hisses, making me smirk.

I turn slowly, taking in the diner, and spot three men in the corner. She’s right, they are hot as hell. They are also the three men from the show last night. I turn back to her with a grin. “They were watching me dance last night.”

“Of course they were,” she says with a sigh. “You always get the best ones,” she grumbles.

“Sorry, kid, I suppose I could let you have Iram…” She raises her eyebrow in question, and I grin. “Big, wrinkly balls old man? I thought he could be the one... but I guess I can share,” I tease, just as another young man comes up to the counter.

I sip my coke and swivel slightly on my stool as she serves him. She looks tired today. There are bags under her eyes, so she probably didn’t sleep, too busy cleaning up after her useless uncle. I told her she could move in with us and no one would notice, but she won’t. The man goes to grab the drink, and she passes it at the same time. Their hands knock together, and it spills all over Faye and the counter. He leaps back with a snarl.

“What the fuck?” he yells. “Shit, you’re clumsy. Clean it up and bring another to the table,” he demands and storms away.

Her eyes drop as her cheeks heat in shame. I go to stand, and her eyes snap to me. “Don’t,” she begs, knowing I’m going to cause a scene. I grind my teeth but refrain from attacking him for her. Instead, I grab napkins and help her mop it up. She takes him another before rolling the sleeves of her wet shirt back, her eyes sad and face pale.

Nope, we’re not having this.

An idea hits me, and I lean over and quickly turn up the radio when a good song comes on. Faye tries to reach over and turn it down, but I flick her hand away and begin to drag her around the counter, but she blushes and hides behind it. I leap to my feet and start to sing along, pointing and dancing until I’m behind her. I press my back to her and shimmy down before turning and spinning her in a circle until she giggles. A wide smile curls her lips—that’s more like it.

I carry on dancing across the diner, uncaring who is watching. Some customers cheer as I reach my new old friend and drop a kiss to his cheek as Faye laughs. Pressing my back to an empty table, I flip across it before pressing one foot onto a stool and hopping onto the counter.

Rey sticks his head through, grinning and tapping along as I hop and dance across the counter before dropping to my knees and crawling to Faye as I sing along. “Blair,” she protests, even as she laughs, her face red and smile so wide it has to hurt. I jump off and grind against her as I carry on. She spins me away, and I dance across the diner again, shaking my hips. The three hot men are watching me, so I wink at the one with the blond hair and grab the coke from the table next to them where the mardy guy is. I take a sip as I stare at him before putting it down as he leans back and runs his eyes over me.

Turning, I break into a run and slide across the floor, stopping at Faye’s feet on the last note. Cheers go up as people clap, and I get to my feet and turn with a bow. “Thank you, thank you very much,” I call.

“You’re insane,” Faye exclaims and pulls me into a hug. “And such an amazing friend.” She spanks me then. “Now sit and eat before you cause the old man to have a heart attack.”

Grinning, I slide into my chair, and she passes me my food before going back to work, serving people and taking food out. Once I’m done, I sit back and nurse a coffee she brings me, just relaxing before my shift tonight. It’s the last one before I have two days off.

Faye takes some food over to the table with the asshole from earlier.

“Thanks, you fat bitch. At least you didn’t drop it,” he snaps, and one of his friends moos. I turn slowly, anger igniting in my veins as I see Faye swallowing back tears as she quickly walks towards me.

“Blair, don’t,” she whispers. “Forget it.”

I nod, licking my teeth as she passes me, but then he makes a cow noise again, and, well, I lose my shit. Anger issues, my mother says, but I say a low tolerance for idiots. I put the mug down and storm over there.

“What the fuck did you say?” I demand, standing over their table. The guy sits back, smirking at me.

“She’s a clumsy cow. You, on the other hand—”

“Oh shit,” I hear Faye curse as I grab the back of his head and smash his face into the table—twice for good measure before I release him.

He scrambles back with a shout, tears running from his eyes. His nose is busted and bleeding everywhere.

His friend gets to his feet. “What the fuck—”

I grab his fist and twist him before throwing him into the table. He turns and swings at me. I duck with a laugh and smash my knee into his cock and balls, and he falls to his knees with a grunt. I slam my fist into his face, sending him sprawling to the floor.

Panting, my knuckles sore and covered in blood, I look at the last man at the table. “Don’t move,” I snap before I step over his whining friend, grab the broken-nosed man’s head, and get right in his face. “If you ever so much as think about coming in here again, I will kill you, do you understand?”

He grunts, trying to struggle in my grip, so I smash his face into the table again.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic