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"As you know, I had planned to take that trip alone. It’s been on my bucket list since I was in middle school and heard about Route 66. I had it all planned out. Then Nate called me thanks to your true-crime show addiction, and he didn’t want me to go alone. Thanks for that, by the way," I smirk at her. My first genuine somewhat smile all day.

"I like watching him squirm when I remind him I know a hundred ways they will never find his body if he cheats on me," Mandy shrugs.

"Nate would never. He's so in love with you." I reassure her.

She shrugs and smiles because it's true. "So, he makes West go on the trip with you."

“Yes,” I continue. "I had a crush on West for years but never acted on it because he's Nate's best friend. Only I didn't know West had a crush on me, too. We found out on the trip, and we took things to a logical conclusion. Since we already knew each other so well, by the time we reached California we were head over heels for each other."

"I'm so excited for you! West is a great guy!" She says with a huge smile, but then it falls. "What happened?"

"Last night, Nate cornered West at the pool hall because he didn't want the girls all over him, and he was texting me. Nate wanted to know what was going on with him, and he wouldn't drop it."

"Typical Nate," Mandy says.

"So, West told him. He wanted to date me, that he already was, and it was serious."

"What did Nate say?" Mandy grits out from between clenched teeth. She already knows but wants me to confirm it.

"He said it's not happening. After that, West left the pool hall early, and after I got you and the girls to your rooms last night, he met me in my room and said he wants a 'pause'" I use air quotes and then grab a tissue because, dammit, there are more tears.

"He wants to make things right with Nate before moving forward. All this 'you're mine and let me worry about Nate' shit the whole trip, and bam, I'm put on pause while Nate gets his happily ever after. I'm sorry. I love you and want you as my sister. But I just can't be happy for Nate right now." I barely get the last part out as I burst into tears again.

I'm going to be a blubbering mess tonight, and there is no way I can get out of it. Everyone expects me to be there, including Mom and Dad. I really don't want to have this conversation with my mom. She isn't above dragging us by our ears and locking us in a room until we work it out, even if it means we both miss the wedding.

"You let me deal with Nate. He needs me to talk some sense into him, and I think a rude awakening that the world doesn't revolve around him," Mandy says.

"I can't let you do that. It's your wedding." I shake my head.

"You can and you will because it is my wedding. We’re about to be family, and I know you have never had a sister, but this is what sisters do."

She hugs me tight, and for that brief moment, I feel okay, that is until I have to go into the rehearsal dinner.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance