Page 49 of Perfect Distraction

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Andrew:The first person who can’t come up with a response loses. Longer than a minute to respond, that’s the forfeit.

Lauren: Fine, but I get to pick the topic.

Andrew: By all means.

Lauren: The human body.

Andrew:…sorry. I passed out there for a second.

Lauren:Not like, inappropriate stuff. I figure as a medical professional I’ll win this one easy.

Andrew: Try me.

Lauren: Am I starting?

Andrew: Sure, go a-head.

Lauren: You think you’re so humerus.

Andrew:I’m better than all the wrist.

Lauren:I knee-d you to take it up a notch.

Andrew:Whatever. I toed you I’m good at this.

Lauren:Psoas I was saying…

Andrew: (I don’t know what that is but I’ll trust it’s a real thing) You sure can de-liver a line.

Lauren:That one was hard to stomach.

Andrew:I got your back.

Lauren: Hip-hip hooray!

Andrew: I heart-ly think that counts.

Lauren: I need to win this but urine my way.

Andrew:Eye will escort you into the house after I win.

Lauren:Whoa, don’t ovary-act.

Andrew: Come on. We be-lung together.

Lauren froze. She read the text again. We belong together? Her heart skipped a beat and she told it to stop being stupid.


Andrew: I WIN

He texted an address only ten minutes from Lauren’s house.

Andrew: See you soon

Barbara Streisand.

Tags: Allison Ashley Romance