Page 20 of Perfect Distraction

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“Didn’t you shadow a criminal defense attorney last year?” Dan asked, bringing Andrew back from his musings.

“Yeah, I wanted to see both sides of the coin.”

“Isn’t that sort of frowned upon?”

Andrew shrugged. “It was on my resume, and they asked about it during my interview. I explained that I thought the entire criminal justice system was worth learning about, and that I thought I’d be a better attorney if I knew how both sides worked. I also wanted to make sure I was making the right decision, pursuing a career down the path of prosecution. I think they appreciated my honesty.”

“Probably so,” Dan said. “Most people just spout shit they think the boss wants to hear.”

“I can do that, too,” Andrew said with a grin. “Gotta know when to do which.”

“Nah, that’s why I’m doing patent law,” Dan said. “Cut-and-dry, no ass-kissing necessary.”

“Sure. Good luck with that.” Andrew clapped him on the shoulder good-naturedly. “While you’re focused on intellectual property, I’ll be getting criminals off the streets.”

Dan took a swig of beer and leaned back on the couch, used to Andrew’s digs on his choice of specialty by now. “I’ll be helping people protect their dreams.”

Andrew tipped his glass in Dan’s direction. “I’ll give you that. It might be boring as shit, but that’s the one thing that would make it worthwhile.”

“Speaking of boring, I can’t believe I let you talk me into taking Oil and Gas Law this semester. Professor Shaw talks so slowly, I swear I could listen to him at triple speed and still understand him.”

Andrew groaned. “I haven’t forgiven myself, if that helps. I figured in this part of the country it would be a good thing to know.”

Logan returned with an even bigger smile on his face than when he’d left. He set a full glass of amber liquid on the table and slammed his other palm down. “Gentleman, I just got myself a date with a ginger.” He sat back and lifted his hand to reveal a square napkin displaying flowy, feminine handwriting: Lauren—555-1122.

Andrew frowned and leaned closer. “A ginger? You mean a redhead?”


“Her name is Lauren?”

Logan took a drink. “That’s what she said.”

“Point her out to me,” Andrew demanded.

Logan picked up on his tone, and his eyes narrowed. He didn’t argue, though, and nodded his head to a few high-top tables on the right side of the bar. “There, with the cute Asian girl. She’s the one I went over for, but somehow I ended up with the redhead’s number.” He shrugged. “I’m not complaining. They’re both hot. Friendly, too.”

Andrew’s eyes found her immediately. From this far across the room she almost appeared to be a brunette, but if he was closer he would see shades of red. “That’s my pharmacist.”

“Nice. I like smart women. Does she work at the drugstore by your apartment?”

“No.” Andrew snatched the white scrap of paper from the table. “You can’t call her.”

Dan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Logan sat up straight. “Why the hell not?”

“Because it would be weird.”

Logan’s forehead wrinkled. “How would it be weird? She know about your STD’s, or something?”

Andrew ignored that. It seemed Logan really was looking to get his ass kicked. “She’s some sort of oncology specialist. She works with Dr. Patel.” Wait, had she said she wouldn’t be with Dr. Patel anymore? Andrew shook the thought away. Irrelevant.

Logan fell silent, and Dan looked away.


“I just don’t like it, okay? I could see her when I go in for chemo, and I don’t want to be wondering if you took her out the night before, or if you’ve kissed her.”

Tags: Allison Ashley Romance