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Chapter Fourteen

May 17, 1819

Lavinia hummed to herself as her maid put the finishing touches to her hair, complete with a silver comb that glittered with tiny diamond chips. Percival had asked for her company that evening, but he’d refused to tell her where he planned to take her.

In many ways, it was much like the early days when she’d been his mistress and he never failed to squire her about Town to places where the beau monde could see her on his arm, when he could rub it in the face of the protector she’d had before him—the man from whom he stole her. But this was different.

This was romantic and sweet and completely out of character for him, but none of that negated the flutters in her belly or the excitement buzzing at the base of her spine.

For the past two days, his emotional words and admission in the rain kept going round her mind. What had it cost him to utter that declaration? And when he had, her own doubts kept the words she’d wished to say to him in return on the tip of her tongue. Had he spoken out of guilt or a yearning for something he remembered from the past? She didn’t think so, but she’d been burned before by men, and it was better to keep her emotions shuttered until she was completely certain.

A soft gasp at the door to her dressing room betrayed the presence of Deborah. “You look like a princess, Mama.”

Lavinia’s heart skipped a beat as she turned about on the bench of her vanity table. So long had she wished to hear those words. “You shouldn’t be prowling about, my girl. If your father finds out, we’ll both be in trouble.”

“I wanted to see you, so I pretended to go to sleep after Papa told me a story.” In her white muslin nightgown with her blonde hair bound in a thick braid, she resembled a misplaced fairy. “Then I sneaked in here to see your dress.”

The longcase clock at the end of the corridor chimed the ten o’clock hour. It was much too late for little girls to be prowling. “We should get you back into bed.”

With a nod at her maid, Lavinia stood and shook out her pink silk skirts. Delicate pink lace decorated the fabric which lent the outfit interest and gave it texture. Chiffon in a lighter shade of pink formed the sleeves and lined the bodice, enhanced by raspberry lace and spangles. A matching raspberry satin sash at the waist ended in a pretty bow in the back. The tails of which swung with her every movement. Beaded slippers completed the look. It made her feel all-too feminine and showed an indecent amount of her décolletage, but she couldn’t wait any longer to wear the gown, especially after that afternoon in the rain.

Whatever happened tonight, she hoped it ended with her in his arms and taking a chance at telling him how she was beginning to feel about him.

Deborah gawked. “You are so beautiful. I wish I looked like you.”

“Nonsense.” Grabbing a raspberry chiffon wrap from the back of a chair, she glanced at the child. “You are beautiful too, and when you’re grown, you can have pretty dresses like this.” She took one of the little girl’s hands and gently guided her into the corridor. “Never doubt your own potential.” At Deborah’s door, Lavinia ushered her inside the bedchamber and then quickly tucked her into bed.

“Do I have to sleep?”

She smiled. “No, but you must remain in your bed. However, you’ll feel ready to take on the day tomorrow if you sleep.”

“Will you eat breakfast with me?”

“Haven’t I always since I’ve been here?”

Deborah giggled. “Yes.” Then she sobered. “Are you and Papa going to a ball tonight?”

“I’m not entirely sure. He hasn’t told me, so it remains a surprise.”

“Will you dance with him?”

“Perhaps.” She wouldn’t mind the stares and whispers if she had the opportunity to waltz with him.

“Will you kiss him?”

Lavinia chuckled. “Why are you so concerned that I do?”

“When a gentleman kisses a lady, it means they’re in love, and that means forever, like in the storybooks.”

That wasn’t necessarily correct, but Lavinia appreciated the girl’s insistence. “I hope you sail away into dreamland.” She leaned over the girl and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Mama.”

Tears welled in her eyes as she left the child’s room and pulled the door closed behind her just as Percival exited his suite at the end of the corridor. Her heartbeat accelerated, for as soon as he caught sight of her, he moved in her direction. “Your daughter paid me a visit so she could see my gown.”

“She is certainly concerned with what you wear and for good reason.” He took her hand, encouraged her into the middle of the corridor, where he looked her up and down. “You are indeed beautiful tonight. I’ve never seen a more stunning countess.”

Heat infused her cheeks. “You flatter me.”

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical