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The entire household was buzzing as they finished preparations for the Solstice celebration. The longest night of the year happened to fall on a full moon, which meant one party of epic proportions.

I took a deep breath as I prepared to greet the guests. While having the alphas of the packs for visits had almost become routine, this gathering was different.

Alec took hold of my hand. “You’re going to be great. Nothing bad is going to happen. This is what you’ve been working so hard for the last year.”

He was right, of course. And he’d been by my side for every step. I was truly grateful to have such a strong and supportive leader by my side. We’d found a balance in the last year, working together to improve pack relations and begin the process for positive change for all shifters.

Tonight we took that a step further. While we’d been working to break down the years of animosity between us and the witches, our alliance was still in its infancy.

Shifter and witches both held sacred connections to the full moon and the solstice. It was my insane plan to invite the heads of the covens and the alphas to one party.

There had been some pushback, of course, but things seemed to be improving. Tonight was going to determine the fate of all our hard work.

When I opened the door to exit my room, I found Spencer waiting in the hall with my mom.

“You match,” I pointed out. Spencer had tucked a lavender handkerchief into the pocket of his tux. It was the exact shade of my mother’s gown.

“It was Spencer’s idea,” my mom said.

I smiled. It was nice to see her happy and well. We’d done a lot to repair our relationship and things were good between us.

“Everyone who accepted the invitation has arrived. So far, they all appear happy to be here,” Spencer said.

I wanted to feel relieved at that remark, but the night was young. “I hope it stays that way.”

“We’ve worked hard on this, I think we can expect this night to be mentioned as the turning point in shifter-witch relations,” he said.

“You’ve worked so hard on this,” I said. “Thank you.”

Spencer, in addition to helping me learn how to navigate my role as queen, had taken point in reaching out to the covens. We wouldn’t be here tonight if not for him. His unlikely friendships during exile had given him a unique perspective and opportunity to start conversations.

“I never thought I’d live to see the day,” Spencer said. “But with humans encroaching on our territories, and discovering more of us every day, we’re going to need the support.”

I nodded. That was a whole other issue I wasn’t ready to dive into. “One thing at a time.”

The four of us walked away from my room, toward the outdoor gardens where the party was set up. We’d moved back to the east coast, where there was a greater number of shifters. It was freezing outside, but we’d set up heaters for the witches. Most shifters weren’t bothered by the cold.

“How’s the wedding planning coming?” my mom asked.

My cheeks heated. There had been a lot of pressure on us to make our partnership official. Without a wedding, Alec couldn’t hold the title of king. I wanted him to gain that title, but we’d had a lot going on.

“We have a date,” Alec offered. “Make sure you don’t have any plans for the Summer Solstice.”

“Even if I had plans, I’d drop them to be there for you,” she said.

Sometimes, it was still hard to accept that she was recovered and that she really would be there for me. But I was getting better at it. We both were. “Thanks.”

The four of us paused at the entryway to the gardens. James, the guard who had been with me since the very beginning stepped forward. “You ready for us to announce you, your highness?”

“Let’s do this,” I said.

Alec squeezed my hand. “You’re going to be great tonight.”

I rose to my toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “As long as you’re by my side, I can do anything.”

James stepped into the garden and announced us. The four of us followed him, greeted by applause. Nervous flutters filled my chest and for a moment, I felt like an imposter. Who was I to be queen? Who was I to think I could all these things?

I caught sight of Malcom, Kyle, Sheila, and Star waiting for me at the front of the gathered group. Sheila cupped her hands around her mouth and whooped.

The fear passed. I didn’t have the answers for everything, but I had support and help when I needed it. I would continue to do the best I could, and I would continue to rely on my friends to help me be the best queen possible.

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Tags: Alexis Calder Moon Cursed Fantasy