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I marched over to Spencer, my eyes narrowed. Heat rushed through me, and I felt like I had electric current in my veins. “When were you going to share this with us? How dare you put my friends’ lives at risk. After everything you’ve already done.”

“First of all, I didn’t even know you were alive, so spare me the deadbeat dad guilt,” Spencer said with a growl.

His tone was menacing, and I tensed but held my ground.

“Second, I never asked your friends for help. I asked you. And your brother was a happy addition,” he said.

“That’s why you needed us,” Malcom said. “You can’t do this without blood relatives to help. You weren’t counting on the others joining.”

“Maybe there’s hope for you, after all,” Spencer said. “Get your sister in order.”

I growled. A low, loud rumbling that felt like it came from my toes. “Nobody gets me in order. We are the ones helping you and we can back out of that at any time.”

Spencer lifted a brow. “Did you growl at your future king?”

“Did you talk down to a future alpha?” I snapped. “Because you’re not king yet.”

Spencer smirked. “You’ve got a mark. That’s why you want to take on your old pack. I’ve seen wolves fail before. The mark doesn’t mean shit.”

“And neither does blood,” I replied.

Spencer’s smile faded. “I failed last time because the friends I had to help me were forced to turn against me. I won’t make that mistake again.”

“So, you need us,” Malcom said.

“I need you,” he agreed.

“Then you’ll watch your tone,” I said.

“Fair enough,” he said.

“You can’t seriously be considering going?” Sheila said.

“When I agreed to this, I thought you’d have us to help you,” Alec said.

“Luckily, you don’t get to agree to things on my behalf,” I said.

“That’s not what I meant,” he said. “I know I pushed you to agree. I never would have if I’d known.”

“You all keep telling me I need help to take back Wolf Creek. The shifter king isn’t too bad as a supporter, right?” I knew Malcom was right and I could feel it in my bones. I wasn’t ready to take on Ace. I wasn’t sure I was ready for this either, but I had to learn somehow. “If you want to help me, you’ll teach me what I need to know to pull this off.”

Kyle was standing next to me, but now he took a step closer to Spencer, until he was inches from him. Kyle was a large male, but he wasn’t as broad or tall as Spencer. Next to him, I was reminded of just how young and inexperienced we were. Spencer had a few decades on us. He was stronger and faster, even after nineteen years of being imprisoned.

“You will do whatever it takes to ensure she comes back from this alive,” Kyle said. “And you will be her second when she challenges for alpha.”

“Are you threatening me?” Spencer looked amused.

“I am.”

I forgot about the fact that I’d need a second when I challenged Ace. Once I officially challenged him, the challenge had to go on. If I fled before the fight, my second would be accountable. It was a stupid tradition because who would challenge then run? “Kyle, I’m fine. I don’t want him as my second, anyway.”

The two males didn’t seem to notice me. They were too busy staring each other down.

“Seriously, guys?” I took a step closer, intending to get in between them.

Kyle put his arm out to block me. “I need to hear it from him.”

Spencer glanced at me. “This is who you spend your time with, daughter?”

Tags: Alexis Calder Moon Cursed Fantasy