Page 96 of Hidden Chaos

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“Tywin, it appears we are going to have to come up with a way to explain to Arlo why he can’t see his mother for ten and a half months. I don’t want him suffering for what she did, but I can’t dismiss her actions either. He’ll stay with you until we come up with a plan.”

The joy on Tywin’s face couldn’t be described. His wide toothy smile and the way he glanced up at the sky and closed his eyes for a moment gave me life. He extended his hand to Gemini and the men shook, keeping their hands together for an elongated moment while their gazes remained locked. The sight had tears burning my eyes and my own smile was no doubt shining as bright as the sun.

Gemini turned his eyes on me.


“I’ll see you later,” I told him without even trying to hide that I had happy tears in my eyes.

“I’m looking forward to seeing you soon,” he replied, chuckling before stepping away and leaving Tywin and me staring after him.

We had no idea what he had in store for Sophia, but knowing that she was going to the same prison she had put Tywin in, kept me grinning.

Hand in hand, we didn’t have to wait long before the rapid beats of small feet grew closer and Arlo’s beautiful snaggled-toothed smile greeted us.

“Uncle Gemini said I could go home with you!”

Tywin bent to his level. “That’s right, but didn’t you want to show me your room?”

“Forget that room. Let’s go,” the little boy called back, speeding off in the direction of the front door.

“What about your clothes, son? Don’t you want to pack something?”

“Nope. I got clothes at home,” he replied before he started a noisy skip to the door.

The smile on Tywin’s face was priceless, a heart-warmer that caused my own heart to smile.

Gemini didn’t know it, but he had won a lot of brownie points for what he had done for Tywin and Arlo.

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