Page 16 of Hidden Chaos

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I chuckled, but considered her point.

“How do you know I don’t have something?” I probed, even though I had made my decision the moment I heard “clean” and “birth control.” Call me a fool, but there was nothing she could tell me that I wouldn’t have believed.

“You only do one-night stands, which means you’re likely safer than the average guy,” she answered assuredly while rubbing her wet pussy against my stiff dick.

Any imaginary qualms I’d been holding on to evaporated like it had never been there. Letting everything else fall away, I thrust forward with a long, measured stroke that took me by storm. The feel of her wet heat without a condom gave me a thrill that overloaded my senses. I worked myself in and out, in and out, sliding back in leisurely before picking up the pace and speeding up the tempting friction that caused her body to dance sensually against mine.

“Tywin… Yes. Right there,” she moaned. The desperate notes in her tone had me repeating the stroke and shoving so deep inside her I was making a new home for myself.

Her walls gripped and caressed me with such devastating impact that I was losing my grip on reality and fucking her with a rough and reckless passion that she took stroke for stroke.

The bed creaked, the headboard slammed into the wall, and the mattress screeched under our weight like it was cursing us out. Patrena screamed like her body was on fire, and I hadn’t turned the hose up high enough to put her out. Her legs were draped, wide and pinned open by my thrusting hips, the sight a visual drug that shot into my system.

She gripped an ass cheek in each hand like she was trying to draw me into her body. Her grip on my ass let me go deeper. As hard as I was fucking her, her actions conveyed everything I needed to know about her ravenous sexual appetite.

“Tell me this belongs to me,” I demanded. My blood pounded in my ears at my own demand. I’d never needed such a possessively bold verbal confirmation from a woman before because I had never had a desire to claim one.

“It’s yours. God, it’s yours. Please. Don’t. Please,” she whimpered. Her pleading request fed my ego, filling it up to the point that I would have given her whatever she wanted.

“Don’t worry. I’m not stopping until you’re satisfied. You revealed to me with your words and body that this pussy is mine,” I said arrogantly, nipping her ear lobe. “And the way you keep telling me that you want me deeper is turning me on so fucking bad.”

I couldn’t stop the rush of words I whispered or the fact that they matched my thrusts. I angled my dick in a different direction with each hard thrust, making sure I pleased every part of her.

Her moans grew more intense and quick, hinting at where the sensations were leading. This woman was the best thing the world had to offer, and though I didn’t want the sensations being exchanged between us to end, a tingling spike of energy formed at the top of my spine and snatched my grasp on reality. The thrilling uproar tapped its way down my back until it reached my balls and caused my dick to shudder hard. Her pussy squeezed my dick in an almost painful vice grip, sending me spiraling over the euphoric cliff right along with her and burning off the final bit of energy we had left.

When the haze of my most intense orgasm began to dissipate, Patrena’s smiling face filled my view. The stunning sight made me forget about the energy loss. My interest now was to get in as many sessions as our bodies could handle.

She touched me, stroking with an admiration reflected in her eyes that I didn’t miss. She allowed me to feel the pleasure in every kiss and in every stroke she lavished on me with care, and I did the same in return.

“I love your eyes by the way,” she said, placing a peck just below my right eye.

“Thank you. The difference is so subtle that there aren’t many who notice that they are different,” I replied.

“That’s because they aren’t really looking.”

I had never taken the time to study how a woman made me feel. I wasn’t one to let my emotions get involved when making a woman submit to her lust because it had always been enough. Not with Patrena. She was a special lady, the one you found yourself yearning for and was willing to let go of your old habits for. I saw her as the one whose heart you were willing to do just about anything to win. The one.

The impact of the realization sobered me, and I drew away, pretending I needed the space to catch my breath. I dragged myself off the bed, sensing her eyes on me the entire time and fell into her bedside chair.

Despite all of the emotional turmoil wreaking havoc in my head, my dick still had the nerve to stand up and ask for more. We spent a few silent moments staring across the distance at each other until I spotted the glint of lust reigniting in her eyes.

There was no turning off the attraction we had for one another. In the next second, I signaled with the wave of my fingers for her to join me. My dick was standing straight up in the air like a waiting flagpole, and she was laying across her bed, seductive in her nakedness, letting her eyes caress every inch of me.

“Why don’t you come here and ride this dick,” I invited. Did she know she had my blood running so hot that I wasn’t above snatching her from that bed?

She was purposely taking her time, so I beckoned her closer with a head gesture that caused my dick to flex and add emphasis to the demand. She didn’t disappoint when she sprang into action, riding me while I smacked her ass, sucked her tits, and caressed every part of her that I was able to get my hands on. A series of groans rumbled through my chest followed by breathless anticipation and a silky rush of stinging heat.

She rode my dick like she was milking it for the substance that would sustain her life, making me spasm and my mind sputter. My toes curled, my head spun, and stars swam in perfect twinkling formation around my head. Her pussy had its own personality; aggressive, and confident with a deeply giving nature.

Her multi-tasking game was on point too. She managed to massage my balls, dish out kisses so hot that they spread heat throughout my body, and scratched, clawed, and gripped whatever spare parts she got her hands on.

This all could have been avoided if I had just stayed my ass in my vehicle. Now, even in the throes of sexual ecstasy unlike I’d ever known before, I feared I had opened a door that couldn’t be shut. What the hell had I done?

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance