Page 50 of Beautiful Chaos

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Patrena scratched the back of her head, causing her hair to swing, although the thick bouncy curls of her ponytail had deflated from the heat.

“What can be worse than your father offering you up as a side deal to a crime family? Aren’t the Vallins some type of crime bosses? Don’t get me wrong, you could do a hell of a lot worse, but still.”

“I’m unsure about their involvement in illegal activities.” I couldn’t tell her that I was doubling down on my involvement with criminals, adding the type of complications that invited danger and flirted with death. “The Vallins aren’t a crime family per se.” Considering who my father was, I should have been a better liar. “I do know that they own several businesses, including several resorts and high rise luxury homes. Eight days ago, I went to him like I was supposed to, but he got called away on a business emergency. He claimed the only person he trust me to stay with while he’s gone is his brother…”

“The Kannibal!” Patrena shouted, cutting me off as sweat went flying from her face because her head had swiveled so fast. She knew more than I assumed she had about the family I was marrying into. Clearly, her being friends with Mecca gave her the inside track on certain information. As well, she helped battered and abused women. Some were wives or girlfriends of high-profile men and some big-time criminals.

“Yes, except he doesn’t eat people like the rumors suggest. He is actually a gentleman. Smart, thoughtful, patient. He’s been teaching me how to cook. And his house is something to die for, a true work of art,” I stated, realizing too late that I was smiling like a schoolgirl with a crush when I spoke of Khane.

“You little slut. Tell me you didn’t sleep with him,” Patrena hissed. “You’ve never gushed over a man like that before.”

“Gush? I’m not gushing. I’m just saying that he’s not a wild animal like people think.”

Her eyes narrowed as she aimed a firm finger in my direction. “Tell me that you’ve not decided to end your drought with your fiancé’s brother? One that is rumored to be a cannibal on top of being a fucking deadly killer, from what I hear. The Vallin name scares people, but no one truly knows the depth of their power or what they actually do, so I do believe they are the wrong people to be screwing with,” Patrena warned.

“First, I didn’t sleep with Khane. Second, I didn’t ask for anyone’s hand in marriage. If my father hadn’t tossed me into this because his life is in jeopardy, I would be minding my own business.”

Thinking about the situation was starting to piss me off. I hadn’t realized how upset I was until tears started to sting my eyes. Not knowing where my father was had also been weighing on me, although Khane and Mecca were convinced that we would know something if he were truly in trouble.

Patrena lifted from her spot to sit next to me, sweat rolling off her body like she had been standing under a showerhead. She placed a caring arm around my shoulder, the other gripping my hand.

“I can’t even imagine the bricks I would be shitting in your situation. I’m sorry, Des.”

“Way to make me feel better, Patrena.” A sad little laugh followed my statement.

“Isn’t there another way to get your father out of trouble?” She leveled her head to meet my eyes.

“When my father told me what he wanted me to do, the first thing I said was, ‘hell no.’ Knowing his life was on the line, I had to help him, even if it was his own fault. Before I agreed to it fully, we spent days attempting to come up with another plan. He needs a large sum of money, and Arjen Vallin agreed to give him the money and merge our families, but only if I were included in the package. Oh, and he also wanted Mecca to be Khane’s wife.”

“Holy shit! So, not only are you lusting after your brother-in-law but your cousin’s future husband too? And how does Mecca feel about all this? I love her like the sister I never had, but she can go from sweetheart to crazy at the snap of a finger. And you know she’s got that quiet kind of crazy you never expect.”

A deep sigh sounded as my eyes fell closed, and sweat dripped to my hot thighs.

“When you put it that way, it sounds bad. My father broke the news to Mecca a few days after telling me. You know I don’t keep anything from her, so I had already called and given her the news. And you know how she is. She sees this situation as my father does: business.”

I swept a line of sweat across my brow before it dipped past my eyes. “Being around Khane is the only time I don’t think about the entirety of this situation,” I admitted, realizing that so far, he had been the only light in this whole sea of dark madness. I was not going to tell Patrena about Khane stalking me or sabotaging my relationships. She would never leave me alone about it until she knew every last detail.

She stared at what I intended to be a poker face as sweat continued to bloom and drip from every pore. Her slow head shaking and grin was the prelude to a pep talk.

“You may not have slept with Khane, but based on the way you react when you talk about him, your ass is certainly falling for him. And I don’t think I’m wrong in saying the feelings must be mutual.”

For the next hour, I was forced to spill more details about my situation and Patrena didn’t let up, going in on me like a determined shrink.

We had showered and had been thoroughly oiled and massaged. The only time Patrena wasn’t questioning me and picking my brain apart was when we had been placed in separate treatment rooms. Now, with our relaxed bodies tucked into our fresh fluffy pastel robes, we strutted towards the next area for our facials.

She took my hand as we walked, staring particularly at my fingers. “Why didn’t you let the technician do your nails? At least change your polish. You didn’t even want the woman to touch your hands.” Her expectant glare dared me to feed her a lie.

A quick glance at my nails had me fighting a smile at the memory of my last manicure and who had helped.

I turned my head away for a second, aiming to tell Patrena some lie and…bam!

I walked into a wall, a slab of masculinity so firm, it could have only been one man. His scent hit me immediately, as his hands wrapped around the outside of my shoulders to keep the momentum of the collision from sending me to the floor.

“Khane?” His name came out on a breathless whisper as I glared up at him. “What are you doing back here?” I questioned, glancing around for whoever was supposed to stop him from entering the women’s area and the back of the spa.

“Desiree, I need you to come with me now,” he demanded, not raising his voice, but very much in command. His firm hand and the seriousness in his expression left me speechless. He was wearing his contact lens.

When he walked off with his strong hand gripping my left arm, Patrena gripped my right arm to keep him from taking me.

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance