Page 37 of Beautiful Chaos

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The first touch set off gas-soaked fireworks inside me, intensifying my need, heightening my desire, and destroying the last bit of will-power. My eyes fell closed on contact. His kiss was air. Not the air I was used to breathing, but the air that sparked life into me when I took my first breath into this world.

I breathed Khane’s world, a magnificence that was created because he existed. My lips caressed his with a feathery stroke, testing his responsiveness. When his lips, so soft and warm, accepted mine, I delved deeper, tasting him, inhaling him.

A breathless moan escaped when the tip of his exploring tongue brushed a tender stroke across my quivering bottom lip. The touch hit some urgent need inside that had me deepening the kiss and licking at his lips until our tongues twirled into a sensual embrace.

The penetrating kiss set off an explosion of tingles that fired off all over me. Khane smelled like sweet loving heat, but his scent was trumped by his exquisite taste, a flavor that tickled my taste buds and awakened euphoria.

The deep press of my mouth over his was met with a throaty whimper that vibrated across my tongue and elicited a throaty moan from me.

His kiss fueled my heart, making it pulse with new life, strong and fierce. I was brimming with pure joy, a foreign emotion, but one I let sank into my spirit. I devoured his lips with ease, loving the soft suppleness as they melted against mine and slid into the grooves of our joy with perfect precision.

I don’t know how, but I managed to separate my lips from his, pleased at the knowledge that he hadn’t released me from his embrace. His strong arms encircled my hips. One of his big hands had a tight grip on my ass, cupping and squeezing my cheek as the other was spread and bracketing my lower back.

“You taste so good,” I murmured against his lips, my shaking words barely breaking into the plain of sound. Kissing him and being enveloped in his caring warmth was like experiencing infinity expressed across every emotion at once.

First, his scent had me sniffing and filling my lungs with his magic every chance I got. Now, the taste of him whispered sweet notes of seduction to my taste buds before shooting his delicious flavor through me.

I drank in his essence, a soothing elixir that was the key to unleashing joy because I was soaked in the charming energy. Was a man this deadly and dangerous supposed to taste so good? Did he have any idea the level of power he held over me?

He pulled away, putting a little more space between us, but not letting me go. Instead of glancing up, he dropped his head against my stomach. His face turned left to right while the top of his head pressed into me. I believed he was attempting to forge enough will to fight against the strong currents of emotions that had engulfed us. There was no way he didn’t feel the rush.

The fingers of my left hand dug into the tight muscles of his shoulder as my right hand glided through his dark, silky hair. He released a groan at my actions before he finally lifted his head.

Our gazes held as the controlling connection pulsed through us and kept us outside the boundaries we weren’t supposed to cross. My fingers tingled through the thick hair of his beard until it connected with the heat of his skin.

“Does this feel like I’m playing a game?” I answered the question he’d long ago asked with a question of my own. My heavy gaze fell to his lips, wanting more, so much more than I knew was right to take.

Without breaking eye contact, he started, “We…” His chest bobbed, his breaths harsh, “…Can’t,” his second word sprang free. The knowledge that I could make a man of his strength and stature breathless sent a wave of excitement washing over my charged-up body.

I didn’t want to hear what he was telling me, especially not the word ‘can’t’. I placed my lips atop his, giving a soft peck to remind him of how potent our connection was.

“Why can’t we?” I questioned. “You want me as badly as I want you, but your allegiance to your brother, a man I’m not marrying for love or even to have a relationship with, means you’re willing to deny yourself?”

The sparks of our desire stood firm as we sat in silence and let the emotions have their say.

“I’m sorry, Khane, I can’t pledge my romantic loyalty to Arjen. I can only allow him to give me his name, especially now.” I knew I wasn’t thinking straight because I was defenseless against the forces in play between us.

If I was this enamored in less than two weeks, I didn’t want to know the result of spending more time with him. A life with Arjen would mean seeing Khane without knowing what it would be like to kiss him. Therefore, I didn’t have a choice. I had to know, or it would be sheer torture always wondering, always wanting to know. On the other hand, if we went too far, I feared I would end up getting a taste of something that I would crave and never have access to again. What a fucked up situation.

“What are you saying?” he questioned, his gaze locking with mine.


My name on his lips with so much passion flowing between us was a panty wetting event. The smooth intensity in his timbre gripped my raging hormones, stilling them to whisper his wicked plans of parting my pussy with his tongue so that he could tell her a secret. My attempt to shake away my lust-fueled thoughts and concentrate on what we had been talking about proved difficult.

What the hell had I said? My soul had been shaken by the kiss we’d shared, leaving me jittery and unable to control my movements. After a moment of mindless wondering, I reconnected to my train of thought.

I couldn’t reveal to Khane what was truly running through my head. How, after a handful of days with him, I believed I was his in every way. That the few moments he had shared with me had been more than I had gotten from any other man that had come into my life. None had taken the time to teach me how to cook or spent hours with me just talking. And after the danger he faced yesterday, I was sure he would continue to protect me with his life.

I couldn’t tell him that I would rather sew my pussy shut with a needle and thread before I let his brother touch me. That I was a second away from ripping my clothes off and demanding he fuck me right here on his balcony. I was in so much trouble over my desire for Khane, but I couldn’t think straight long enough to care.

“Let’s compromise,” I suggested, shutting down the loud, demanding calls of my body. “I understand loyalty better than you think. So that you can protect your honor and not betray your brother, we simply won’t cross the line. However, given the gravity of the situation, I don’t believe there is anything wrong with us toeing the line.”

At this, his forehead creased as he struggled to decipher what my brain had cooked up. My lips met his again, slow and romantic at first, but when my thigh bumped into the hard steel in his pants, my pussy quivered. Him palming my ass was adding more fuel to the fire. I had been without any type of sexual gratification for months, therefore that one touch had me not giving a damn about allegiances or consequences.

My tongue slid between his lips, eager to taste him again as I rejoiced in the easy entrance he allowed. Spicy cinnamon with a straight shot of Khane is what glazed my tongue. His flavor and scent were a shock to my system, and I was convinced that it was made specifically for me. Its euphoric effect had me senseless. I kissed him with a passion-fueled hunger one second, sucked on his tongue the next, and fed him mine the following second.

“Why do you taste so damn good? I want to be with you, but I know we can’t.” The hot whispers were spoken against his lips as I was unwilling to pull away.

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance