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I use the gun’s muzzle to lift his chin so I can look in his eyes for this next part. “See, you thought you were running shit. You were a middleman, that’s all. I easily chose the girls who’d make the most money because—surprise—I have experience with this sort of thing. It’s one of many ways my family makes their living. There you were, thinking I was some nobody who you could use to hunt for you, when you were dealing with a pro the whole time.”

I raise my voice over his whining. “Even I make mistakes, though. Turns out this one belongs to me. She’ll never make a cent for you or anybody else. You’ll never see her again.”

I stand and stare down at him one last time. “You won’t see anyone again.” This time, I aim a lot higher than his knee. The shot reverberates in the air, but there’s nobody nearby to hear it. I check outside to be sure, sweeping the perimeter. But aside from Jake’s truck, there’s nothing out of the ordinary.

The shed door is unlocked.

“Bree? Everything’s okay now. I’m going to open the door.” I do it slowly, in case she’s freaking out over what she heard and her nerves are shredded. She’s holding a gun, after all.

When she sees me, tears pool in her eyes. I take the gun from her before pulling her into my arms. “You’re safe now. Nobody’s coming for you. I swear it.”

“You’re okay? You didn’t get hurt?” She searches my face. “You’re sure?”

“He had no idea how outmatched he was. All I needed was knowing I’d be able to get us out of here safely.”

She doesn’t look happy about it, though. “He met the real Sebastian.”

I could ask her what she means, but it’d be a waste of time. There’s a reason this woman is the one for me. She understands things I wouldn’t have the words to say. “That’s exactly what happened.”

“Have I? Met the real Sebastian, I mean?”

I trace the curve of her jaw with my fingertips. She’ll never know how precious she is. How I’d mow down anyone in her path, anyone who meant to harm her. “You have. But I’d never be that man with you. I need you to know that. You make me want to be better. I’d never hurt you or anyone you love. You have my vow.”

She draws a slow breath, eyes darting back and forth over my face. “I probably shouldn’t, but I believe you,” she finally whispers before standing on tiptoe to press a long, sweet kiss against my mouth.

Then she pulls away with a frown, and I blurt out the words, “Come with me… to stay, I mean.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “I don’t even know where we are going. Hell, I barely know you. You hardly know me.”

“I know enough. Come with me. If you hate it, I’ll let you go as soon as I’m sure you are safe.”

Her answer comes quick. “But I have to call my friends and my family. I’ll go with you, but I won’t leave the island until they know I’m okay. Otherwise… I don’t know.” Her voice doesn’t tremble. She’s not upset over what happened. There won’t be any hysterics.

Damn it. She’s perfect for me.

The buzzing in my pocket reminds me I slid the burner phone in there before Jake showed up. “It’s my brother, Drake. They’ve landed. I have the coordinates of where they’ll be waiting to take us the rest of the way to the hangar.”

Our eyes meet in the phone’s glow. She arches an eyebrow.

What choice do I have? Now I understand how my mother gets away with pestering a man like my father half to death. “Be careful what you tell her,” I warn as I hand over the phone.

“Don’t worry. I worked the story out while I was waiting for you to come and get me in the shed.” She didn’t doubt I would protect her.

Inside, I take one look around the house before setting fire to the couch. This was never going to be my real home. I don’t feel a thing as I walk out, leaving the bodies to burn with everything else. I doubt anyone will care much.

“You won’t believe it. Somebody must’ve drugged me at the party, and another man found me near the resort.” Bree takes my hand with a grin, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I’ve been sick for two days, and I didn’t have any ID. He didn’t know who I was. He took good care of me, though.”

I did. And as we get in my soon-to-be abandoned car to meet up with my brothers, I know I always will.



It’s been two months since I met Sebastian and fell in love with him. They say there is no such thing as love at first sight and though our story wasn’t exactly that, it’s becoming so much more with each day that passes. We’re inseparable.

Most days I can’t believe I’m here with him, living in Chicago. A month ago, we got our own skyrise apartment overlooking Lake Michigan. It’s hard to believe how much my life turned upside down when I left that island. We moved in together, and I transferred schools. It was an adjustment, but well worth it.

Coming to terms with Sebastian and his family being a part of the mob has been a little difficult, but they don’t involve me in any of their dealings and Sebastian mentions nothing about what he’s doing for his family.

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic