Page 24 of Broken Doll

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I could tell her, but I don’t want to do it in front of Baron, so I don’t bother. “Go home,” I say. “I need to talk to Baron.”

“Nobody told me there was a party going on,” Duke says, stopping in the doorway. “Where’s the beer?” He swings open the glass door of Baron’s minifridge and pulls out a handful of bottles.

“That’s why I’m here,” Lo says, shaking her hair into place and reaching for a beer. “Your parents are so much cooler than mine.”

“Forget it,” I snap, smacking Duke’s hand away when he holds out a beer.

“Hold up,” Baron says. “What do you need?”

“To know when a video was shot. I’ll come back when you’re done running a train on Lo.”

“Ooh, is this about Harper’s porn site?” Lo asks, swinging her legs off the side of the bed.

I glare at her. This is what I get for letting her in, for letting myself use her to fill a hole another girl left in my life. She’s wormed her way into everything, and I can’t extricate her from the hundred little places she’s cemented herself. Insults don’t work with her. She’s oblivious or unperturbed by words.

“What?” Duke howls. “Harper has a porn site?”

“I just need to know when it was filmed,” I say, glowering at Baron. “The rest of you can leave.”

“Fuck that,” Duke says. “I want to see Harper doing porn!”

“Come on,” Gloria says, taking his arm. “I have the link. I can show you.”

“Show him that shit and see what happens,” I growl.

Lo raises a brow and takes a sip of her beer. “So, I can stay?”

I glare back at her. Why am I protecting Harper? She either filmed that before we met, and she’s a fucking liar, or when we were together, and she’s a liaranda cheater.

Or, she filmed it recently, and she’s not sitting around thinking about protecting me, that’s for damn sure.

“Whatever,” I grit out. “Stay, you fucking dyke.”

Gloria smirks at me and leans into Duke, who puts an arm around her. “We just want to help,” he says, giving me a sloppy grin. “Right, Lo?”

“Exactly,” she says like some smug bitch who just bested me. At least this way I can control what she sees. I know she can’t afford to watch even a minute of the video on her own, but she’s not above using Duke to get what she wants.

I pull it up on Baron’s computer while he slides to his second monitor to watch.

“Apple cream pie?” Gloria says, crossing her arms and looking over my shoulder. “Clever.”

“Damn,” Duke says, giving a low whistle. “A grand a minute? She sure thinks highly of that worn out pussy.”

“Shut up,” I snap, turning to Baron. “Can you tell when it was shot?”

“If she’s getting that for the video, you think she’s getting more for the sex?” Lo asks.

“Dude, that’s not how porn works,” Duke says. “That’s how it’s legal. You don’t get paid for sex. You get paid for the performance.”

Baron shakes his head and pulls his sucker out of his mouth to talk. “You can’t access this. It was a live feed streamed to your messages. All these were. Once the show’s over, it’s over. He may have recorded them while he was fucking her, but you only got the live stream.”

“I can’t believe she sent you those,” Gloria says. “That’s fucking cold. What did you do to the poor girl?”

That’s a question I will never answer. I always meant to wreck her, just like we did Mabel. But if I found out Mabel was doing porn, I’d shake my head and maybe laugh, thinking we really ruined her for other guys.

Harper isn’t Mabel, though.

“It could be someone else,” Duke says, but there’s no conviction in his voice. We all know it’s her. Even if someone got the exact same tattoos as Harper, she wouldn’t have a body like that.

Tags: Selena Erotic