Page 17 of Hold Me Tight

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I'm the fastest when I'm angry. My coach really likes it. When I think about that asshole who Kylie will fall in love with and give her virginity to, I get so mad that I'm ready to destroy everything in my way.

Swimming helps me to calm down, despite how contradictory it sounds. When I swim, it not only trains my body, it also clears my mind.

After yesterday's night swim, I was able to sleep at least four hours before I woke up and started stalking Kylie's window again.

She's not only been hiding from me for the whole week in her room, she's also been avoiding me at school, walking away each time I started talking, making excuses that she's late despite the fact that I know her schedule.

Before my best friend moved to Africa, the Tyler I was a year ago would never bother Kylie if she told him not to. He would wait patiently until she forgave him for whatever he did.

Because I always thought that I had plenty of time in the future, that I'd have my Kylie when the right time came.

But I'm not that boy anymore. I'm a man now who knows what he wants, and I will leave no stone unturned to make sure Kylie is mine.

I walk through the corridor to Kylie's locker, and I see her talking to some girl I've never met before.

When I come closer, the girl says quietly, "Let's talk later," and immediately walks away. I guess she saw my expression and realized that it's better to walk as far as she can before I start a fight with my best friend.

When Kylie notices me, she faces her locker again without even saying a word.

"How long will you be avoiding me?" I ask angrily, despite speaking as calmly as I can.

"Tyler, let's not do this," she says quietly, almost whispering, avoiding my gaze.

"If not now, then when?" My voice becomes louder, and other students start to look at us.

"Stop yelling at me. I don't want to talk to you!" she exclaims, slapping the door of her locker loudly, and finally looking into my eyes.

She tries to walk away, but I block her passage with my body, put one hand on her locker, and the other on the wall behind her.

"Tyler, let me through!" she commands, but her voice is shaking.

I know Kylie hates fighting, especially with me.

So why the hell is she doing this?

"We have to talk about what happened," I say, looking straight into her eyes from above.

"Nothing happened. Let's just forget about it." She lowers her gaze again.

"Forget about it?!" I yell so loudly that she jumps. "How the hell am I supposed to do that, Kylie? Forget that night or the last ten years of our friendship?"

This girl is crazy if she thinks that I'll ever forget how amazing she felt, melting in my arms while I was eating her out.

When she raises her eyes to me again, I see her lips are trembling as if she's ready to cry, and I instantly regret being so rough.

The second I want to apologize, someone touches my shoulder from behind.

"Ty, here you are!" a girl exclaims so loudly that my ears hurt.

Before I turn my head, I already know it's Ashley. Yesterday she sent me a naked picture and asked me on a date. I was stalking Kylie's window and didn't even bother to answer.

"What do you want, Ash?" I ask, turning to face her.

Ashley takes a look at Kylie, who is still trapped in my snare, as if debating whether to answer or not.

"I only wanted you to know that I already prepared everything we need for today," she says, smiling slyly at me, "and when I sayeverything, I mean it."

Ashley sticks out the strap of her bra, showing me that she means her underwear by ‘everything’.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Romance