Page 18 of Hold Me Tight

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The second I want to say something, Kylie leans over and slips out of my hands, walking away rapidly.

When I start to follow her, Ashley grabs me, whining like a child. "Don't walk away, baby. I missed you so much."

I roughly take her by the shoulders and yell, "Why the hell are you doing this?! You know that we didn't plan any date, not today, not ever!"

At first, Ashley cringes at my yelling, but she knows perfectly well that I wouldn't ever hurt a woman, no matter how much she irritates me. She quickly recovers and immediately stops pretending, changing her facial expression.

"What is so special about this Kylie girl, huh?!" she asks in irritation, putting her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean?" I pretend I don't understand.

"Why are you so obsessed with her that you don't even notice other women? She's not even hot, while I'm a cheerleader!"

"Ashley, if you say Kylie's name one more time..." I warn, but she doesn't let me finish.

"So what? What will you do?!" she yells at me. "You're hot, I'm hot, you're the captain of your swim team, I'm a cheerleader. We’re supposed to be together! We..."

"I don't like you, Ashley!" I interrupt her because I'm already sick of this game. "I never did and I never will. I didn't want to tell you this before so I wouldn’t hurt your feelings, but you know what? I don't care anymore!"

Ashley snorts, both indignantly and offended.

"Good luck with Kylie, Tyler. She's going on a date with Nate today. They’re meeting at the Harrithon Hotel." She smiles acrimoniously at me, enjoying this.

"You're lying," I say, and my hands are involuntarily clenched into fists with anger.

"I'm not. I accidentally heard about the bet Zac and Nate made. Zac said that Kylie is yours, but Nate said that he'll be the one to fuck her first since the captain of his team didn't dare to do that after all these years."

I feel my heart start beating faster with every word.

How could Kylie do this to me? How could she run away from me, fromus, only to lose her virginity with some guy from my swim team?

Kylie hates Nate; she thinks he’s stupid. They’ve never even really talked, not even once.

My hands are clenched so tightly that I feel myself begin to draw blood.

I'm gonna deal with Nate before he's even able to walk out of school.

And then I'll deal with Zac for acting so stupidly.

And only after those idiots get what they deserve, I'll deal with Kylie.

And this time, she won't be able to run from me.

Chapter Eleven


What am I doing? Why am I here? I don't want to be here.

I walk through the corridor of the most luxurious Beverly Hills hotel. The receptionist gave me the key to the penthouse, and I feel like I'm playing Vivian from “Pretty Woman.”

I wanted to cancel the date with Nate. It's not even a date; it's an arranged meeting to have sex.

Yes, I offered myself. On my way to class, I heard Nate talking to Zac about Tyler and me. He laughed about how many women Ty had slept with, but I continue drooling over him as if I'm some kind of a stalker. Also, he said how much I've changed since I came back from Africa and how hot I am, and that he would be happy to stick his dick into me if Ty doesn’t have the balls to do it.

Zac pushed Nate and told him to 'shut the fuck up,' said he wouldn’t dare to speak like that if Ty was there. That's true, everyone's afraid of Tyler Parish, even his teammates.

I was shocked at first. I wanted to run and start crying.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Romance