Page 15 of Our Little Surprise

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Spencer nodded at my father and then looked at me, letting me know not to panic as he left my side and began to follow my father over to a quiet corner of the room.

"No, I want to speak to the pair of you."


Ainsley held my hand tightly as we walked across the room following her father. I just prayed he wasn't going to have some sort of meltdown at the fact he'd caught me with his daughter again. I couldn't afford to have all of my clients witness this. I was surprised when he continued his way out of the room and into the hall, and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders at the fact that the drama wasn't actually going to happen in front of my clients.

Ainsley's hand started to shake as I allowed her to exit before me. Then she turned and looked at me, worry in her eyes. Jon had already walked across the hall and stood in front of one of the tables, watching us while he waited for us to join him.

I grabbed Ainsley’s hand and stopped her from going ahead any farther. I pulled her into me and whispered in her ear, "If you'd prefer I talk to him on my own, that is fine."

She nodded. "I think that is best. I just can't bear to hear what he has to say."

I nodded and leaned in and placed a long kiss on her cheek and she turned to go back into the party when Jon cleared his throat. "Before you leave, Ainsley, give me a chance to speak to both of you. It’s something you both should hear."

Ainsley turned and looked to me, completely unsure of what she should do.

"I've got you," I whispered to her as she hesitated. She looked to her father and back to me and then stepped up beside me and wrapped her arm around mine. Together we walked over to where Jon stood, Ainsley gripping my hand.

Jon looked at both of us, then down to where our hands were clasped together. I was prepared to be blasted and placed my arm around Ainsley's back, letting her know I had her.

"I think it’s time that I apologize to the both of you," he said, looking to us.

I nodded, but Ainsley stood there, an unsure look on her face.

"I was wrong, Ainsley," Her Dad said looking to both of us. "Spencer, I was watching you guys tonight on the dancefloor. I can tell you care a great deal for my daughter."

"I do."

"Ainsley, I sometimes forget that you are a grown woman and not the five-year-old little girl you once were. I forget that you are capable of making your own choices, and even if I don't approve of them, they are still your choices and they should be respected. If they are wrong, well, they are your mistakes to live with."

"Spencer isn't wrong for me, Daddy. I'm in love with him," Ainsley said.

I gripped her tighter in my arm, pulling her against me.

"After watching you both tonight, I realize that now."

"Your daughter is in good hands, Jon."

"I know. I've seen how the two of you look at one another. I was a fool. I hope you both can forgive me."

I looked over at Ainsley and smiled, then held out my hand for her dad to shake. Then her Dad turned to Ainsley and held his arms open. She stepped forward and they hugged.

"You did a phenomenal job on this party. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks. Does this mean I don't have to quit my job?" Ainsley asked him, and I chuckled to myself.

"That's up to Spencer," Jon said.

Ainsley turned and looked over her shoulder at me, and I shrugged. "I've already submitted your transfer," I kidded.

"You did what?" she asked, looking at me shocked.

"I submitted it already…to my shredding bin."

Ainsley smiled at me and started to laugh, and then I heard my name inside the ballroom.

"That's my cue," I said, glancing at my watch. "You guys need to come inside. It’s time for me to give my speech."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance