Page 16 of Our Little Surprise

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I took off in the opposite direction of Jon and Ainsley and made my way through the door that led to the back of the stage and walked out just in time to take the microphone. I looked out over the large crowd and finally spotted Ainsley standing off to the side with her dad.

"I want to thank each and every one of you for coming to this amazing Christmas party. As many of you know, I have spent the better part of last few years building this company from the ground up. What you don't know is why I started Finding Forever. You see, my older brother lost his wife after twenty-two years of marriage. After a few years, he started dating again. Friends tried to fix him up, he tried numerous online sites, and after watching these relationships fail over and over, I decided that there was something lacking with each of them. That is how Finding Forever was born, an elite site meant to match you to your forever partner using the power of psychology instead of an 'at first glance' approach.

“I am happy to say that, after all these years, we still hold a ninety-eight percent match rate. Which brings me to announce that even I decided to use my own company. This past summer I was fortunate enough to meet a young woman who awakened my soul."

I paused to take a drink and looked over to the side where Ainsley stood, her eyes wide as she waited for what was next. "You will know the young woman as Ainsley Matthews, my executive assistant and the woman in charge of putting this amazing party together. Ainsley, would you come up here for a moment please."

I looked down to where she stood, shaking her head, holding her hands over her mouth in shock, while her father walked her over to the stairs. Kate stood at the bottom of the stairs to help her up, and soon she was standing at my side.

It was after one when I pulled my car into my driveway. I glanced over at the passenger's seat to see Ainsley sound asleep. I cut the engine and placed my hand on her knee, shaking her gently.

"We're home," I whispered and watched her sleepy blue eyes open.

"What? Oh, I didn't mean to drift off," she said, gathering her items in a bit of a panic.

"Sweetie, relax," I said, leaning over and taking her purse from her hands. I climbed out of the car and walked around and opened her door, helping her out of the car. We walked slowly up the slippery walkway, and I slid my key in the lock. This was the first night that Ainsley would be spending the night with me, under my roof with her father's blessing.

I hung my suit jacket on the banister and guided Ainsley up the steps. I flipped the light on, lighting the twelve-foot tree that stood in the corner of living room. "Why don't you take a seat. I'll get us a glass of wine," I said, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I think I'm going to change first."

"Sure, there are T-shirts in the top drawer in my room."

Ten minutes later, I sat in the living room, glass of wine in hand with soft Christmas music playing on the radio. Ainsley walked into the living room, looking sexy as hell in one of my T-shirts, her hair falling softly on her shoulders.

She sat down on the couch beside me, reaching for the glass of wine I'd poured for her, and took a sip. She closed her eyes as she swallowed and relaxed into the couch, placing her feet across my lap.

I set my glass down, grabbing her foot, rubbing it gently in all the spots I knew she loved. A soft moan escaped her lips as I traveled up her calf. She looked at me, her eyes half asleep. I raised her leg and placed a kiss on her ankle, watching her response as I kissed my way up her calf. When I hit her knee, I reached for her wine glass, taking it from her hand, and placed it on the table beside mine.

"What...what are..."

I said nothing. I stood, slid one arm under her leg, the other behind her back, and lifted her off the couch and carried her down to the bedroom.


I was breathing hard when I woke up. I looked over to Spencer, who was uncovered to the waist, sound asleep. I wasn't sure what it was I had been dreaming about but I kicked the covers off and swung my legs around. I sat there for a moment in the darkness when my stomach started to turn. I covered my mouth, got up, and bolted to the bathroom.

Placing a cool cloth on the back of my neck, I rinsed my mouth with water and made my way to the living room where I curled up on the couch with my cell phone and called Carly. I could only imagine how irritated she would be for calling her so early, but I didn't care. I needed someone.

"Hey, sorry, I know it’s early," I whispered into the phone.

"Ainsley, early? It’s not even six. What is it? What's wrong?"

"I'm just not feeling well. I spent most of last night sick and again this morning."

"Is it nerves or the flu?"

"I don't know."

"Look, why don't you come over. We can go for breakfast, you can tell me all about the party."

I looked around the living room. I was sure Spencer would sleep in. "All right, I'll be there shortly."

I quickly ran home and slipped into my jeans and sweatshirt, climbed into my car, and headed to Carly's.

An hour later, we sat in the local diner waiting for our breakfast to be delivered.

"So, my father gave us his blessing," I said, looking at Carly for her reaction.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance