Page 14 of Our Little Surprise

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"Ainsley, are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, Dad. I'm fine," I said, getting up off the floor and opening the door. "It's just nerves. I was feeling pretty off when I got home last night. All this planning for one day, I don't know how on earth these event planners do it."

"Ainsley, you’re flushed," he said, bringing his hand up to my forehead. "You don't feel like you have a fever." He looked concerned as he reached into the medicine cabinet for the thermometer.

"I'm fine, seriously," I said, pushing past him and into my room.

"You've been overdoing it. I'll be happy once your transfer is completed. That way you will get your proper rest."

"Yeah, but just you wait and see the party. You are going to be so proud of me." I smiled.

"I'm sure I will be. Get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen," he said, taking another concerned look at me before turning to leave.

I threw on my favorite pair of jeans and sweatshirt and put my hair up into a high ponytail. Then I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

I'd been fine the rest of the day until they served dinner. I'd ordered the roast beef and as soon as the plate had been placed in front of me, my stomach turned. Spencer looked at me, concern lining his face as I excused myself from the table numerous times throughout the meal, barely touching any of my food. This last time had hit when they placed my favorite dessert, creme brule, in front of me. I'd taken one bite and couldn't even swallow. With my mouth full, I'd gotten up and excused myself from the table. Now, I sat on the floor huddled in front of the toilet in the washroom just off the ballroom, feeling like I could be sick again at any moment when I heard the door open.

"Ainsley, it's Kate. Are you all right, dear?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I must be coming down with the flu," I answered. "Too many late nights working on this event."

"Oh dear. Spencer just wanted me to pop in and make sure you were all right. Do you need anything?" Kate was an older lady, the assistant to one of Spencer's executives. She sat at the desk next to me, and she knew how many late nights I'd been working. "Do you want some water? Ginger Ale, anything?"

"Maybe some motion sickness medication if you have it?"

"I do." I heard her unzip her clutch and slip two tablets under the stall door along with a little cup of water. "You know I always have those in my purse."

I giggled. Her purse was like a drugstore. "Thank you. I'll be out shortly. Let Spencer know I am fine."

"All right, dear."

I swallowed the two tablets she had given me, and, once the sick feeling passed, I stood up and opened the door. I stood in front of the mirror smoothing the material of the red dress I'd purchased just for tonight. Then I reapplied my lipstick and started on my way back to the party.

The plates had been cleared, music was playing, and people were up dancing. I glanced over to where Spencer stood. He looked amazing. He wore a perfectly fitted, perfectly pressed black suit, and he smiled as he stood there speaking with a couple of clients. I watched as he worked the room, moving from client to client, greeting them, talking to them, and then moving to the next. He was just about to approach another couple when he saw me. Instead of striking up a conversation with them, he greeted them and excused himself, letting them know he would be right back. I watched as he made his way over to me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, placing his hand on my lower back.

"Yes. I've just overdone it. Kate gave me a couple of her motion sickness tablets, so I should be okay now."

"You're sure?" He looked at me, concern still lining his face. "I can take you home."

"That's not necessary. Let’s go and mingle, shall we," I said, smiling up at him and placing my arm through his.

We'd spoken to a few couples, and then we turned and headed for the dance floor for the first slow song of the evening.

"Care to dance?" he whispered in my ear.

"Love to. Probably wise to do so now before my father arrives. He said he would be here after work."

He gathered me in his arms. I rested my head on his chest and we danced together. Once the song was over, we turned to leave the dance floor to continue mingling when we both stopped in our tracks. My father had seen the entire dance. He stood there, glaring at us both. I'd been caught in the lie once again.

Spencer didn't even try to hide the fact that we were together. Instead, he took hold of my hand and he led me off the dance floor in the direction of my father.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as I felt the nauseous feeling strike again.

"I told you, I'm done hiding," he whispered back, looking directly at my father as he approached us, a look on his face I'd never seen before.

"Spencer, can I have a word with you," he said in a low tone.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance