Page 47 of In Your Arms

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“What makes you think that?” I swallowed hard.

She grew quiet, burying her face into me. “It’s her.”


“I saw a text from her on your phone. You were going to meet her for dinner while you were away.”

I let out the breath I was holding. I knew immediately that she was talking about Felice. From the start, that woman had been nothing but trouble for us. “Yes, I did. I was going to see her and Mike on business, not just her. It turns out she was up to her old tricks; she and Mike are divorcing. I talked to Mike. She lied, but no worries, I know that once she gets the divorce agreement with my name signed on the bottom, I can guarantee she won’t ever call me again. Not to mention, her number has been blocked.”

“You were going to see her on business?”

“Why else would I see her?” I asked, looking down into her eyes—those eyes. “I have everything I could ever want right here in my arms.”


“Yes, really. Do you realize that when I look at you every morning, it’s like I am seeing you for the first time? I know I am not perfect, and lately things haven’t been great between us, but through all the hard times and the hiccups in the road, the one thing I never ever doubted was my love for you.”

I pushed the hair out of her face, placing my hand on her cheek, and met her lips, sweeping my tongue through her mouth. “What do you say we head home? I don’t want to make love to you on my brother’s couch.”

She let out a little giggle.

After we drove home, I carried her up the stairs, placing her down on the floor inside our bedroom. I pushed her up against the wall, taking her mouth with mine, my hands busy with the buttons on her shirt. My hands ran over her breasts, cupping them, while I sucked her earlobe into my mouth. I ripped my shirt from my body and felt her small hands tug at my belt.

I kissed her deeply and then slid the cups of her bra down under her breasts. Slowly kissing my way down her neck, I bent and took one of her hardened nipples into my mouth. Then I moved over to the other, causing her to let out a loud moan. As I kneeled in front of her, I slowly kissed my way down her stomach. I looked up and took note of her watching me. I grinned up at her and flicked the button on her jeans open, inching her jeans and panties down until they were pooled at her feet.

She reached behind her, unhooking her bra. She went to step around me, but I placed my hand on the flat of her stomach and pushed her back against the wall. I pulled one of her legs up and placed it on my shoulder. I buried my face between her legs, first running my tongue through her wetness and then sucking her clit into my mouth. I felt her hands grip my hair as I continued licking and sucking her. I could feel her starting to tremble.

“Carter, stop. I’m going to come,” she moaned, gripping my hair tighter.

There was no way I was stopping. “No, baby, I got you. Let yourself go.”

I continued flicking my tongue over her swollen clit until she was trembling so much, I was afraid she might fall, so I grabbed her and carried her over to the bed, laying her down. “On your hands and knees now,” I growled in her ear.

She looked at me and bit her lip, shaking her head no.

“Now, princess. You’re going to feel all of me pounding into you.”

She placed her hand on my chest, kissing me. “Make love to me, Carter,” she cried in between kisses. “Let me know I’m yours.”

“You are mine, always.” I pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I slid into her, thrusting slowly but deeply.


There wassomething about the way it felt to be held by him as he thrust inside of me that made me know he was mine. I loved listening to his harsh breath in my ear as he got closer to the edge. I could feel his love in everything he did: the way his hands caressed my body, the sweet words he whispered into my ear, the way he kissed me. I never should have doubted anything. There was no possible way anyone could fake that.

After we climaxed, we lay together, my body perfectly molded to his, another indication that we were meant to be together. His fingers danced along my shoulder. When I looked up into his face, I saw that he had his eyes closed. He was gently breathing as I traced tiny circles on his chest.

“I love you,” he whispered. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“Deep down, I know that. I guess I just got scared,” I whispered.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms; it was the most comfort I had felt with him in months.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


We dropped the girls offat Hunter and Autumn’s for the two days we would be gone, and I called them as soon as we were settled into the hotel. I had spent the day shopping and was now on my way to meet Carter in Central Park. He requested that I meet him at Bethesda Fountain. I watched the buildings pass by as the cab drove down the road. I glanced at my watch when finally, the driver pulled to the side of the road. “Miss, your stop.” I paid the fare and climbed out of the back seat.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance