Page 46 of In Your Arms

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“Yep, that ended in a fight.”

We both got quiet for a minute. “So, Felice can’t be the only reason you are upset, Hope. I think you know he would never cheat on you. So, what is it?”

I looked down to where my hands rested on my belly. “About two months ago we had been talking about having another baby, or I had been talking about it. Carter told me he was happy with how things are, and he just wanted to put his focus into the firm. So, we agreed no more kids. Four weeks ago, I found out I am pregnant.”

Autumn squealed with delight. “Oh my God, that is awesome! Congratulations!”

“Yeah but knowing that he doesn’t want any more children doesn’t make it so awesome.”

“Honey, be serious. You have two wonderful girls who Carter loves to death. Do you honestly think that after all this time he is going to throw everything away including another child and go have a fling with another woman?”

I started to laugh. “Well, since you put it that way, I guess I am being sort of silly.”

“Yes, I think so.”

Autumn grabbed her phone from the table. “You know, I think that once Hunter gets home, we should go pick up your girls, and you should meet Carter in New York. The girls can stay with us. I can use the help around here.”


“Yes, really. You need to spend some time with Carter. So, tomorrow that is what we will do, okay? There is a straight flight I see that leaves at seven in the evening. If we can’t make that one, there is another one at ten.”

I leaned over and hugged Autumn. “Thank you so much for tonight.”

“You are welcome. Now, I must get some sleep. Morning comes early! Let me grab you a pillow and a couple blankets for the couch.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


Ihad finally landed andcleared customs. I was thrilled when I got to my car. I had just finished loading my bag in the trunk when my cell phone rang.

“Hello,” I answered, my voice cracking. Not only was I tired, but the stress had finally caught up to me. It wasn’t every day that I received a call from my brother saying my wife was going to leave me.

“Carter, it’s me. I just got back to my condo. Your wife is sound asleep on my couch. I’m going to leave the door open, so just come on in when you get here. I’m going to go make love to my wife.”

I chuckled. That was my brother; he hadn’t changed. “All right, thanks. I’ll be there shortly, and for the love of God, keep it down. I don’t want to listen to your heavy breathing or her screaming your name when I get there.”

I hung up the phone and climbed into my car, started the engine, and drove to my brother’s place. The elevator ride seemed to take forever, and I was once again reminded of our earlier days, me rushing up the elevator to get home to the girl I loved. A smile came to my lips as the door opened and I got off the elevator. I walked to his door and took a breath before opening the door slowly, poking my head in and seeing my love sound asleep on the couch, one leg on top of the covers, just how she had always slept.

I slipped out of my coat and shoes and walked over to where she lay, looking down at her angelic face. I had fallen for her so long ago and couldn’t for even one second ever imagine my life without her. I slipped out of my suit jacket, laying it on the arm of the chair, and lifted the blanket that she slept under. I crawled in behind her, pulling her against me, just like I had done countless times over the years.

I pushed my arm under her head, and as though she sensed my touch, she quietly moaned my name.

“Yeah, baby, it’s just me.”

“What...what are you doing here?” she asked, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

“Well, a little birdie told me that my love was upset, so I put everything on hold and rushed back here.”

She rolled over and looked up at me, her eyes hazy. “Who told you?”

“My brother called. What’s going on, princess?”

She buried her face in my chest, her body starting to shake as all the pent-up emotion that she had been carrying came pouring out.

I didn’t know what to do, so I just held her close to me, tears starting to flood my eyes too. I too had felt like I was losing her, and I had missed feeling her near to me. “Shhhh, baby, don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it. I feel like I’m losing you, like I’m losing us.”

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance