In Your Arms

You don’t realize how the small day to day struggles of family life combined with running a successful business can affect your marriage, until it’s too late. They leave you too exhausted to deal with the big things that truly matter.

I knew things had been strained between Hope and me. So, when she suggested going away for our 10th wedding anniversary I couldn’t say no. She’d planned for weeks and after a couple of hours together we were just beginning to get intimate. That was when my phone began blowing up. There was an emergency with two of my clients and I had no choice but to put an end to our getaway. I figured she would understand, she always understands, but it didn’t hit me just how far we’d fallen until I saw the disappointment line her face.

I offered to take her with me, that we’d celebrate our anniversary together there, but she refused. Instead, as soon as the wheels of the plane touched the ground, I found a text message from her accusing me of having an affair. Now doubts, fears and uncertainties of the past resurface while I rush back home to save what is left of my crumbling family and repair the rocky ground we are treading.