Page 23 of It Was Always You

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"What is it?" Idemanded.

"She called someone. He showed up and walked the perimeter of thehouse."

"Was it her brother? The guy I showedyou?"


I clenched my teeth so hard I thought they were going to crack. "How long was he therefor?"

"He spent thenight."

"Fuck." I slammed the phone down and smashed my fist on my desk. Rage swept over me. Who the fuck thought he had the right? She wasmine!

Jen arrived early Saturday morning. I had missed her something terrible. Our only conversations took place on the phone, and that wasn’t the same as hanging out and talking in person. When Elliott and Parker found out she was coming for a visit, they insisted on taking us out for the day. We'd be spending the day on Parker’s boat, followed by a bonfire on the beach. After I picked her up from the airport, we headed to the mall to shop for some outfits. We had planned just to hang out and watch movies, which required nothing fancy, but the boys had different ideas. It had been years since the four of us hung out. It was sure to be ablast.

Jen and I started getting ready as soon as we got back to my place. The boys would be picking us up in about an hour. I changed into the skimpy black bikini that Jen insisted I buy. In her words, it accentuated my breasts, and Parker would like that. I brushed my hair and threw it into a ponytail before clipping it up. I put my white lace cover-up over the bathing suit and added a change of clothes to my beach bag for thisevening.

"Are you almost ready?" I yelled to Jen who had taken over mybathroom.

She walked out of the bathroom in her cover-up which I noticed hid way more than mine did. Come to think of it, so did the bathing suit. She handed me the two beach towels we bought and her change of clothes to put in mybag.

"Yep, I'm ready. You look amazing!" she said, checking meout.

"Yeah, well, I may look amazing, but I feel very naked." I pulled on my little white cotton shorts to wear until we hit theboat.

"I can’t wait to check out Parker and see how he's grown." I rolled my eyes at Jen. She wasn't going to let this go. "I'm sure he is as unbelievably hot as he was incollege."

"Good, you check him out." I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed. I was beginning to regret telling her anything that had happened between us. I headed into the kitchen to make us a quicksnack.

"Oh please, admit for once that you wanthim."

I was quiet. I couldn't even begin to forget that kiss. I could still vividly feel his lips on mine, his hand on my cheek. I did want him more than she knew, but I wasn't ready to admitit.

"So, have you heard from that ass back home?" I could see the seriousness in Jen’seyes.

"Unfortunately, yes, he has called—on my new number. Not too sure how he got it, but I haven't heard from him sincethen."

"Have you told Elliottanything?"

"I did. He wasn't too happy, but he does know now. You were right, I should have told him from the start." I handed her a sandwich and sat down at thetable.

"I'm glad you toldhim."

I cut her off before she could say anything else. "All right, enough of this conversation. Let’s just have a good time, okay." Sitting down, I checked my phone for any messages from Elliott or Parker. There was nothing from them, but sure enough, Dean had leftone.


I felt the color drain from my face. Getting up from the table, I started busying myself around the kitchen. I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate and knew I needed to calm mybreathing.

"Everything okay?" Jen asked, taking a bite of hersandwich.

The room was starting to spin, and I could feel myself getting light-headed.


Grabbing hold of the counter, I steadied myself. "Yes, everything is fine." I barely recognized my own voice. I was scared, but I certainly didn't want her to know he had messaged me. I wanted to have a good time today. Looking out the front window, I saw Elliott and Parker walking up the walkway. "Boys arehere."

"Ladies!" Elliott’s voice boomed as he pushed his way through the door. "Let's get going!" He gave Jen a great bighug.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance